Other Stuff

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Light Truck

On of the local grocery stores was having a grand re-opening last weekend and to celebrate, starting Thursday, they had this guy and his truck with great big lights on it come in and shine them up into the sky. The truck had 4 separate lights on it that revolved and rotated (are they the same thing?) and in general shined up into the sky. Well, Thursday and Friday evenings were overcast and I was able to get just one good picture showing the circle it drew on the clouds. Again on Friday Night I saw it and got the camera set up on the tripod and was going up the hill behind my house and they shut the darn thing off. Did it work? (the great big light and the re-opening?) Well it seemed to bring the Amish in by the buggy, bicycle and on foot. Don't know if they bought anything but they stopped by to check out the truck with the great big light on it.
And to see if anyone else saw a truck with a great big light on it shining up into the sky click on the SkyWatch icon on the right side of you screen.


  1. Seen the truck thought it was cool.

  2. Great night photography, the lights are pretty. Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Very unique shots, wonderful night photography.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  4. I thought it was going to be a movie premiere! Who knew a truck with lights on could be such a draw - every shop should get one! xo

  5. What a fun post. Neat idea too by the way.
    Joyce, IL, USA

  6. Now I can't find my way home
