Other Stuff

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1 Thousand

All hail the power of Photoshop. If you haven't figured out yet, today is POST NUMBER ONE THOUSAND. No bells, no whistles, no balloons and no cake. I just knew I had to do something different for this one, so I went back over my files and found some pictures begging for a little touch up. I hope you like these.


  1. Wow! I did not know you were so famous around those parts. Anyone that does not have a blog has no isea how mkuch work it was for you to get to 1,000 post.

    Now lets make a photo run and get some new photos.

  2. Congrats on 1000. Nice site.

  3. I have to agree with Brad. I didn't know he was that famous either. Must of missed the Rita's sign. lol

    Congrats on 1000 Haney.


  4. Congrats on #1000 Haney. Keep up the great work!
