Other Stuff

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Dykeman House Reflection

OK, this is quickly becoming my favorite subject. I think this is the 4th post of it. This, as usual, is the Dykeman House, overlooking Indian Head Spring. It is one of those places I drive past constantly and see in every kind of day and weather. Saturday night I set up my tripod , put my nifty fifty on the Rebel and tried not to get hit standing on the shoulder of a surprisingly busy road. Temperature in the upper teens. No moon yet. Candles in the windows. A couple walkway lights. F-stop at 3.5, ISO at 100 and 30 seconds later... waa-laa.


  1. I like the reflection in the spring. This is a great house to take pictures of, it changes everytime you shot it.
    P.S. Tell your sister to update her site.

  2. This one is nice, but my favorite Dykeman house picture is the one on your other blog from Sunday. Mom

  3. Sorry, I meant Saturday. Mom

  4. That is a awesome photo Haney. I like it
