Other Stuff

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Birthdays and Birds

Happy Birthday, Mom, I hope your day is going great. Don't worry I won't out your age like I did Dad.
Well it snowed last night. And it snowed last night. Did I mention it snowed last night? My patio table has 19 inches on it. And it's been blowing since daylight. There was closer to 24 inches in the driveway. So I disregarded all the criticism I was getting here in my own house and I set two slices of old bread on that 19 inches of snow on my patio table. On each slice I put a small scoop of bird seed (mainly sunflower seed). I set the camera on a tripod and sat back and watched the magic. Everyone continued to laugh, but everyone continued to look and ask, "What's that bird?". The still think I'm crazy so I reminded them they'll grow up to be just like me. Touche. Seen below are... 1. male Downy woodpecker and a Dark Eyed Junco... 2. Tufted Titmouse... 3. male Downy Woodpecker... 4. female downy Woodpecker... 5. Dark Eyed Junco... 6. White Crowned Sparrow... and 7. Dark Eyed Junco.


  1. Happy Birthday Mom Nehf.

    Hope you got today Haney and grabbed some super snow pics.


  2. I bet she is not a day over 39, Happy Birthday.

    Great bird photos Haney, I spent part of my day doing the same Linda likes to look and make up her own names, Shane, well lets just say the video games are more exciting to him.

  3. Not a day over 39 yep. I like the thing with the slices of bread that is cool.

  4. I love that picture of Mom, Happy Birthday Ma!

    BTW, great bird pictures.
