Other Stuff

Thursday, February 04, 2010

SkyWatch - Game Lands Lighting

I was reading Pioneer Woman's blog earlier this week and she was talking about a lighting adjustment she does with snow pictures and I thought I'd try it on some. And I'm sharing them here. I hope they don't appear too dark. this were taken at the State Game Lands a week or two ago. The second picture is a view I've shot several times before and used as my header last fall.
I'm gonna use this as my SkyWatch picture this week, SkyWatch changed the way you sign on last week and I must have screwed it up 'cause I got 1 comment. I'll give it another try this week and see how I make out. Too see what I mean and to check out the sky around the world hit the SkyWatch icon on the right sidebar.


  1. Marvelous captures! Moody skies! And it does look cold! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm!


  2. Nice job with the light adjustments. Lovely shots.

  3. These are great shots! They turned out really well.

  4. i like the photos! the last one has to be my favourite though. :P It'd definitely look nice framed and all.
