Other Stuff

Monday, June 21, 2010

Harpers Ferry, WV

Father's Day found me heading out early and ending up in Harpers Ferry, WV. There's a lot to be said about this small town with a big history. In a nut shell in 1859 abolitionist John Brown set out to raid the US Armory at Harpers Ferry to help free slaves and end slavery. He failed. The President of the United States sent in his best man... Colonel Robert E. Lee (yes, that Robert E. Lee). John Brown was captured, put on trial and hanged. Throughout the Civil War the Union held the town, then the Confederates held the town, then the Union, then the Confederates... I spent most of the morning and into the afternoon here before heading home to spent suppertime with my Dad and everyone else. I learned a few things that I'll use on my next trip down. One is that this tunnel faces west, so morning is a terrible time to try and shoot pictures of it. And number two thing I learned, I'll share later.

1 comment:

  1. I can remember going down here in the Cub Scouts, a long time ago. It is a cool little town. The AT crosses here too.
