Other Stuff

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Maryland Heights Overlook

What does one do in Harpers Ferry, you would ask. Well, I don't ever remember being there before, so I did a little research. Armory. John Brown's raid. Railroad. Then I looked to see what everyone else is taking pictures of. And I find this view. This is the Maryland Heights Overlook. Called this because it is in Maryland. Yes that's the Potomac River down there. The town across the river is Harpers Ferry. In West Virginia. And the hills on the left side over across that river? That's Virginia. And that's the Shenandoah River. OK, the hike. 2.8 miles? I think I can manage. Oh. My. God. Could I have PICKED a hotter more humid day? I don't think so. An hour and a half later I started down hill to the outlook. Yes I said downhill. At this point every step downhill means two steps back up the hill. But it was oh-so worth the view. The walk out added another 45 minutes to the journey. Thank goodness I had the foresight to bring an extra shirt. I would have had to fall in the river to get a dryer shirt at this point. I did some zoom pictures from up here also that turned out pretty good, but we'll save them for later. Seriously, if you go here, do the hike. Prepare yourself, take some water and a snack, but do the hike. Worth it.

(I just realized, as I was typing this. Today, June 22, is my DOE anniversary. Date of Enlistment. I left for basic training 27 years ago today. Man that make me feel old.)


  1. great little town to sight see in. did you take the trail on the West Va side? there are some beautiful views of the Va country side that are splendid with the fall colors

  2. Wow! 27 years ago, it should make you feel old, it even sounds old. You may want to consider purchasing the hover-round for your next trip, LOL.

    When I look at those photos I picture birds (egrets, herons and the like) along the river. I hope you explored the birding oportunity while you were there.

  3. E4Lt, one hike was enough for me in one day. I thought to myself that this hike would be awesome with the fall colors.
    Brad, I was hoping for a golf cart ride back to my car. As for the birds, all I saw along the river was Canada Geese and a couple blue herons flying by. I did see a birding trail between here and Boonsboro.

  4. Great shots. It has been along time ago that I visited, will have to take a trip this year. 27 years ago thats along time ago.
