Other Stuff

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blairsville Coke (PG 154)

This is the other Painted Gentleman from Blairsville, Pa. With some bonus graffiti. This was on the side of what they called the Opera House. Don't know squat about the history of Blairsville but you can take it for what it is. I think out front was a thrift/flea market store in half of the street level. Not sure if anything was upstairs or not. I did venture into the basement. Dark. Very dark. Used the flicker flash from the camera to see where I was going. At one time there was some bowling lanes set up in the basement. Not a good place for a bowling alley. Just a bit humid and wet down there. This building sits at the corner of Market and Stewart Streets. I was unable to get any picture from the front.

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