Other Stuff

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Rut

As the days count down until the elk mating season is upon us, I'm going to look back at some of the awesomeness that was last fall in Elk County, Pa. These are just some of the elk that Bradley and I snuck in on nearly a year ago. This bull is the bull, I mean THE BULL, that laid his claim to the woods by challenging us and walking by almost within arms reach as our Saturday morning was winding down. Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to make it up north this fall. October weekends have me heading to other adventures in three different directions both near and far and squeezing in just a couple days in the north woods would assure that I accomplish nothing else this fall. Don't get me wrong, I hope to see an image just like this only through a different piece of glass.

1 comment:

  1. That was a fun morning, one I will never forget. I have my reservations and will be spending seven days their, I just hope it is as good as last year. After this rut then we have the whitetail rut to look forward to. Soo much fun and no scanners or fire sirens or HARRISBURG.
