Other Stuff

Friday, September 24, 2010

HFD Wagon 3

Guilty. I didn't get out last weekend again, so Name that Station will wait one more week. And Wally promised some old pictures so maybe I can throw you all some old firehouse pictures soon. This week I have some pictures of Wagon 3 of the Harrisburg Fire Department. Bradley over at Brad Myers Photo Blog recently was assigned to Wagon 3. I took these pictures in March of 2009 when the HFD responded to a call at Pennsylvania Place while Bradley, Shane and I were running around the city taking pictures. Welcome back to your roots Bradley.


  1. Wow!, that is an awesome engine, even more so that it has me wheeling it around now.

    Everyone keep saying getting back to my roots, wouldn't that be brussh truck and tanker?

    Haney I think I am starting to hear the Elk bugling.

  2. Sorry Brad, but from what I hear about the things that were done back in the day, I don't think it's legal anymore to go "back to your roots"...


  3. Sometimes the juniors had to ride up on top of the Tanker, the tailboard only comfortably held six guys standing up.
