Other Stuff

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Last Storm of Summer

The last storm of summer. Not like there were many around here. Starting today I can show you the first storm of autumn. First the clouds, then the winds. The winds kept the fellas at the firehouse busy for awhile. Listening to the fire dispatch you could follow the storms track as it cut across the southern side on the county. Shippensburg. North Newton. Monroe. Upper Allen. Lisburn. Then the sun shined.


  1. The clouds are such a lovely pink. I think they must have made the last summer storm worth it...I hope.

  2. Gorgeous clouds and colors and fantastic captures, Haney! Love the raindrops, too! The first one is my favorite, but love them all! Have a great weekend! Happy SWF!


  3. These are just beautiful images, love your main entry, captured my eye~ Have a great week. Mary
