Other Stuff

Friday, September 10, 2010

Name That Station 16

Welcome back the the most famous game on the Outskirts. This week I offer you a Cross-County-Quiz. These are from Franklin County, Pa. or Cumberland County, Pa. as they will be from here on out. I was unable to get any new ones last weekend, I was a little under the weather. Maybe this weekend. Answers, as always, at One O'clock the afternoon. Good luck and thanks for playing.


  1. The first one I'm going to guess is an old Waynesboro Fire house. the second one is Pleasant Hall Fire Co. 11 Franklin County. Give me time I will be back to answer the third one.

  2. There is no way I will know what these buildings are but I can say like the top photo. Strange how something so ordinary can be so interesting.

    Lucy Corrander

  3. It has been some time since I have seen the first entry and for ovious resons my head is not on straight today but I think the first one is the old Good Will firehouse in Carlisle. The second is Pleasant Hall and the third is the Elkwood No 2 in New Cumberland (their second and last building).
