Other Stuff

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Slugfest SkyWatch

Slugfest is an annual event held at the Shippensburg Airport in Pennsylvania, this year was the second, I think. I grew up within walking distance of the airport and when we could scrounge up a quarter we'd walk down for a Pepsi and to hang out. Anyways, Slugfest is a gathering of powered paragliders, ultralights and balloons. This opening day didn't go so well and it set the tone for the weekend. Friday night five of the paragliders took off in relatively calm winds when a storm front surprised them with sudden 30 to 35 MPH winds. They all made it down safely but one guy ended up a couple miles away when he was blown 900 feet up and eventually threw his reserve chute. So Saturday was breezy and not much activity came from the airport. But Sunday evening they started to venture back up. Early in the evening a half dozen or so got up but didn't roam far from safety. Later in the evening when the winds were sure to be calmer, I counted as many as twelve and they were putting more and more distance between them and the grass landing strip. I never made it back to the airport to watch them land, maybe next year. If they are brave enough to return.


  1. Like the new header. did any balloons make it up? I was there Friday night for the fun. But went to a bigger air show over the weekend. Would like to make it out next year.

  2. No balloons. After Friday's incident they were told to stay home.

  3. Very good SWF photos!Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!

  4. Wish I had been there. Looks like a ton of fun to watch!

  5. Ohhhhhh I wanna go... but not during the high winds! =)

  6. Wonderful photo set, but count me out as far as trying this.

  7. I thought maybe you had been with me in Waltes--but mine is just a single hang glider. We have a balloon rally coming up in the next town. I'd better check which weekend it is and get out there early with my camera.

  8. I hope they come back cos it looks fun cheers for sharing XXX Don

  9. Not your everyday sky shots. These are wonderful!
