Other Stuff

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Dusting of Snow

Friday was a day to get acquainted with the area. Learn where the trails led, where the meadows were and how long it took to get from one place to another. We woke to this dusting of snow. Temps were in the low thirties in the morning and by afternoon things had melted promising a nice morning on Saturday. These pictures are the same creek from two different angles one early in the morning the other closer to noon.


  1. Haney , if I woke to this every morning I would still be there.

  2. It is beautiful anytime, the snow just makes it that much better. When do we find out if there is meat on the table?

  3. Wouuld have not come home.. Where are the pictures of all the elk????

  4. Oh-oh, may your trip is going to be longer!
