Other Stuff

Monday, November 01, 2010

A Little Camping Trip

I confess, I have been an absentee blogger for the last two weeks. They say the first step is to admit to your errors. Six days of the past two weeks I was just a bit outside of civilization. 8 miles of hardtop, 12 miles of gravel and two and a half hours in a saddle away from civilization. Living in a tent at about 9,970 feet above sea level. And having to look out of the tent at this every day. But don't get captivated by these pictures, just 12 hours after these gorgeous pictures were taken, winter arrived in the Rockies. And just 3 days after that old man winter got really pissed off. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos, can't wait to see more. How about some elk steaks.
