Other Stuff

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Can You Guess What This Flower is?

Sunday morning had me driving around just enjoying the day. I headed to a place that can be rich with inspiration. That would be the nearby State Game Lands. And this morning that inspiration would be an assortment of wildflowers, aka, weeds. Shooting with natural lighting sometimes means shooting with natural wind. And, you know, you can't hold a flower from swaying in the wind and take a picture of it at the same time. I read that somewhere, I wouldn't try that myself. So these are not as razor sharp as I would have liked. But have you guessed it yet? These are Goldenrod. Each of those little yellow flowers are probably less than a quarter of an inch. Something you wouldn't notice driving by. Sometimes you need to stop and smell the flowers (I think someone else once said that).

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