Other Stuff

Monday, August 22, 2011

Red and Green. barn charm no. 9

This is the barn I mentioned several weeks ago on a previous Barn Charm post. This barn sits on the same side of the road right beside the "Old Barn on the Hill." I'm not sure what goes on in the barn either. It looks well kept. Are the solar panels for the house or whatever it is that happens in the barn? Hmmmm.


  1. hmmm...I do wonder what they are for. Sure looks to be a beautiful barn.

  2. looks very nice for a barn, but maybe they turned it into a home? I dunno, but it sure is nice! =)

    I tried to leave a comment on your 'Haney's Blog' site, but it wouldn't open the comments... I love the shot titled 'Harrisburg Skyline' WoW! What a shot... the reflection is perfect =)

  3. For a barn to have a solar panel is something else. They may be breeding expensive horses ^_^ Happy Tuesday!

    Barn Charm

  4. That you all for stopping by today.
    Tricia, Sorry you didn't get to comment on my other blog, I had set it up to play with a template that would allow larger pictures and never paid any attention to the comment settings. It is now fixed. As for the reflection, I was just driving along the West Shore and happened to notice the calm water and blue sky so I quickly pulled the truck to the side of the road. Don't all great pictures start out that way?

  5. Lovely photos! It's a beautiful barn and in very good condition. Hard to tell how it's being used.

  6. Love the barn but I am wondering what the solar panels could be used for?

  7. Love that cupola!

    Lots of barns here now have solar panels for heating the barns, The government offered farmers a grant and the response was overwhelming!
