Other Stuff

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Barn at the High School, 9-11-2011


I'm back to barn charm this week (barn charm 10) and I am invoking rule number 1 that reads"1) Post a photograph on your blog taken by you of a barn, any part of a barn, old or new, even if it's in the background." This flag display is in the front yard of the Shippensburg High School. I found out about it when my wife told me she saw it on the evil MyFace. The nearly 3000 flags are in the shape of a dove with the numbers 9 11. Unfortunately I was not able to get a shot from above but I did see some that were. Notice on the 4th picture the dove's head just above the 9. And on the 5th picture is the 11 just below the dove's tail. The best view would be to click on the 4th picture, you may get a sense of it better. The barn is the maintenance and storage building for the high school/middle school grounds crew. It is left over from when this was a farm prior to the middle and high schools being built in 1959 and 1972.


  1. What an incredible tribute & the barn looks great in the background, too! So glad you linked up this post, very thoughtful...

    Your Barn Charm badge in your sidebar is beautiful... I love the color of sepia! WoW! =)))

  2. Fabulous tribute! A lot of planning went into this.

  3. Those are neat shots. I love that first one, flags in the forefront, barn peeking up from behind. :-)

