Other Stuff

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Patriot's Day After 10 Years

It's hard to believe that it has been 10 years since America was attacked. It's hard to turn on the TV today and not be reminded. Will we remember at 12 years? Will there be all the publicity at 20 years or will we just say let's move on? I've said it before America's war against terror didn't start on 9/12, nor will it fade away soon. World peace is unachievable, there will always be someone out there with their own agenda. The world has taken a big step in the past year but we are still a long way away. As for Patriot's Day 2011. The Shankville Memorial has opened, I should make a trip out there this fall. I was only 15 miles away in 2001, alternating between getting some highway work done and listening to the radio to try and comprehend what was going on. The New York City Memorial is open or will open soon, I should make a trip up and see it. It's been a few years since I've been to the site. I don't know if the Pentagon has anything open to the public or not I should find out. I spoke with my brother about it last night. He spent a few days there 10 years ago with the DCFD. These pictures and video are part of what Shippensburg did on 9/11/2011. At 8:46 AM church bells rang along with the fire company Bells. Our bell at the Vigilant Hose Co. hasn't rung in years. Last night the fellas restrung rope so it would work again. One last time. Next spring we will be in our new station.

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