Other Stuff

Monday, July 16, 2012

Farmer Johnston's 1852 Barn

Another barn from southern Chester County, Pa. This is another barn that we kept driving past all day. So the last day that week we stopped by to take some pictures. Remember last week I mention that this was horse country, well, when we stopped this horse was crowding his way into the picture. I didn't notice, however, the date stone until I got closer. Many of the older houses in this area near Strickerville have these date stones up high, something I haven't seen anywhere else. This barn sits at the intersection of Strickerville Road and Appleton Road just 1500 yards north of the Maryland border.

As always clicking on this little barn can send you barn-charming all over thanks to Tricia.


  1. oh wow... you don't see too many brick barns around here in my neck of the wood of virginia. great views. love the date stamp at the top of the roof line. moss forming & all. (:

  2. I see a few brick barns in my area too. Seems they all have the diamond shaped vents

  3. Not alot of brick barns left in Missouri\Kansas either. That plaque says 1852 - love it!

  4. What a fantastic barn! It looks huge...and to be standing after all these years!

  5. wow!! i really think penn has the most amazing barns!

  6. wow, I bet that was quite a feat to build!

  7. I think brick barns are pretty unusual. The horse adds such charm to the photo!

  8. Great images of a beautiful barn!

  9. Impressive barn! Pennsylvania has so many lovely old barns.

  10. 1852! WoW! Awesome! Love it, it's absolutely gorgeous, esp w/ the horse in the shot! Fantabulous find, Haney

    Thank you =)
