Other Stuff

Friday, July 13, 2012

Shippensburg Area EMS

 Shippensburg Area Emergency Medical Service, Cumberland County Co. 73. 711 East Orange Street Shippensburg. The Cumberland Valley Hose Company began ambulance service on January 2, 1931. All volunteer until part timers were hired in 1995. Separated from the fire department on January 1, 1999 as the Cumberland Valley EMS and hired full time personnel.  Moved to 235 East King Street in December of 2005, reorganized, and became Shippensburg Area EMS. On June 16, 2012 they moved into their new building, the Shippensburg Emergency Services Building, along with the Vigilant Hose Company No. 1. EMS is located in the second floor of the building with it's apparatus bay emptying onto East Orange Street.

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