Other Stuff

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Frank's Groceries and Sundries (PG 140)

I found another treasure trove of a Painted Gentleman in downtown Halifax, Pa. This old hotel/grocery/sundry store sits at the intersection of 4th Street and Market Street. Note that this is one cool building regardless of all the fading signs. I'm not sure what this soda is. There is a SunRipe soda but I can't be sure.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Roll in the Snow

Do you remember just a short six weeks ago? Do you remember Snowmagedon? Do you remember saying, "When will it ever end?" My neighbor mowed his grass this weekend. Next weekend should be close to 80 degrees. And for the next six months I'll be saying, "When will it ever end?" Until then let's just remember the fun we had with the snow while we had it.
(15 second video from 30 images)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dex and the Gorilla Snack Truck

Went on a walkabout yesterday. Stopped by a few places I had been before to see if anything was new. I had other plans but the overcast skies and threat of rain changed them. These I found along a railroad underpass.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Meet the Mallards

Meet Henny and Drake, the Mallards. They live down the street at the pond. They like hanging out, eating bread scraps and scratching what itches. They hope to hatch and raise a large family here this spring.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Faces of the Confederacy, part 4

A few pictures today from March to Destiny in downtown Shippensburg. These are from June 2008. This is a Confederate skirmish line during their assault on Union forces along King Street.

Friday, March 26, 2010

FDNY Engine 55... Little Italy

Another Friday, another Fireday. And today we head back to New York City. This is Engine 55's house in Little Italy, 363 Broome Street. We ran across this on the walk back to our car as we were leaving. Engine 55 lost five of it's Bravest on 9-11, their names grace the engine door. There are also bronze plaques around the outside of the station to honor all of 55's losses, seven total. This station was built in 1898, I wish we could have gotten inside if you look at the picture I took of the engine through the bay door, look to the left. That is a brass pole. It is officially a real firehouse. Here is a link to some history and old photos of Engine 55.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Me and the Tree at Sunset

You know when I got my first digital camera I thought, "Wow, now I can take a couple pictures of everything, pick out the best one and delete the rest." That was almost 6 years ago. Last Thursday I drove out the the Game Lands and set up the tripod and took some pictures of the sunset. Fifty-six pictures in 25 minutes. All of the sunset. And this tree. Try and pick out the ONE best picture out of those 56? Here's three of them. Each a little different. Each the same. The center picture was taken with my fish-eye macro lens on. Something tells me it won't get any easier for me. (actually these are posted in reverse order of how I took them)
Remember, I know it's been a while, Click on the SkyWatch icon on the right side over there and see everyone else's sky.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Insert Your Title Here

So I'm not giving this a Painted Gentleman credit. But I'm not sure what to do with it. I don't even know what it is. Is it a cloaked face? Is it a chicken? Since it is on the streets of New York does it need a label? Is it Mike from Monsters Inc.?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bromo Tower

I'm not gonna ramble on about this Baltimore landmark check it out on their very own website! Just looking at the picture makes me want to be at an Orioles game. When you leave the ballpark after a night game there is a light inside the tower that makes the blue paint glow. The clock face reads "Bromo Seltzer".

Monday, March 22, 2010

Raccoon in the Snow

On a drive through my favorite Game Lands several weeks ago, when winter was still here in a big way, I caught this fellow trotting down the road. Obviously he was avoiding having to traverse through the deep snow. When I stopped he headed cross county on me. Managed a few shots. Hard to focus looking through all those branches.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Wedding

I don't go to too many weddings anymore. One, maybe two, a year. My generation is either done or trying it again and keeping it small. Now, though, my kids' generation is starting to make that commitment. But, I still don't have a problem with getting dressed up once or twice a year. I sat on the aisle in the back row but not far enough to the annoyance of the gentleman in front of me.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

City Hook & Ladder No. 4

Today is another fire post, I guess. These are some detail shots of an old Seagrave fire engine that was at a shop last summer for some rehab work. City H&L run out of their Valley Street station in Lewistown, Pa as Mifflin County Company 14. This engine is a 1945 Seagrave and can be seen in it's past glory on City's official website.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mechanicsburg Firehouses

No Old School Firehouses this week. These are the genuine thing. These are active fire stations. Picture 1 and 2 are of the Washington Fire Company No. 1 of Mechanicsburg . The third picture is the Citizens Fire and Rescue Company No. 2 of Mechanicsburg. Cumberland County Company 28 and 27. The Washies are located on 53 East Main Street. Organized in 1857 they were constituted on February 22nd of 1858, President George Washington's birthday, hence their name. Their website doesn't say exactly when the building was built but do mention the original third floor was removed in 1907. The Citizens Fire Company was formed in 1903 and the new firehouse was built between 1903 and 1905 on South York Street. In 1975 they merged with the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company and became the Citizens Fire And Rescue Company.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The People You See on the Streets of New York

OK, today's post is set up a little different and I apologize right up front. Last summer while in New York City I took a lot of pictures, some were of the people you see in the Big Apple. In the first picture is America Ferrera, yes, that is ABC TV's Ugly Betty. They were filming an episode while we drove past. I snapped maybe eight pictures, this is the best. Second picture is some dude dressed up like the Statue of Liberty. No, I don't think he was hocking tax services like the doofuses you see on your local street corner. Third, sorry for the blur, this was taken from the passenger's seat through the driver's window, on the move. A pink gorilla? IDK. A last but not least, if you are eating right now or are easily nauseated, stop and do not proceed. I am really really truly sorry, but I shouldn't be the only one who suffers. Folks I introduce the Naked Cowgirl. Not really naked and not really "girl". Not every picture you take is admired by others. Some need to serve as a warning. Again, I am sorry.

I really am very sorry, I apologize.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Smiling Eyes

Happy St. Patty's Day. Here's a little ditty for you...

I stumbled in at 2am all drunk and full of smoke.
My wife said "I've had enough, that's it, I'm sick, get out!"
So I stumbled down to Kelly's Pub across the edge of town,
I told the boys me story and we had another round...

But seriously lads and lasses...
May neighbours respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you!

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Old Fenway

It's almost here. Baseball. Now that the snow is melted and the sun my actually come out tomorrow. Tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar... Sorry, I got a little carried away. Here today we have some more pictures from my tour of Fenway Park in Boston last summer. These seats (seen in picture 1 and under there upper deck in picture 2) are the oldest seats in baseball. Located in the Grandstand Section in left field these old wooden seats will only comfortably seat those of you of the narrow variety, if you know what I mean. I wish I could tell you a little history on them but I can't find anything official. Fenway opened in 1912, there have been fires and renovations since then, so take it from there.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Moving on Up

Clem's Barbecue shack has moved form it's lean-to set up along old Route 220 in Port Matilda, PA (think "Outskirts of State College") to a real restaurant with walls and a roof just off the Tipton Exit of Interstate 99 (think "Out Outskirts of Altoona"). Same great taste. Best around. See you there.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mountain Privy

This should answer any questions as to whether the bear does or doesn't in the woods.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

My hope for this morning was a trip to the State Game Lands to see if the turkeys were out. When I woke up and heard the wind and saw the rain I figured that all that was out of the question. And then I went anyways. Not much wildlife, a couple hawks, some crows and a few other birds. And rain. Bottom picture is the Mountain Road bridge over the Conodoguinet Creek. The first picture is the creek running along Bridgewater Road. Second picture is the west side of Mountain Road near Parkhill Road. And the third picture is where I had to back up and turn around on Parkhill Road. It's still raining.