Other Stuff

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Year 4, Day 1 and the 3rd Annual Cyber Rollcall

Greeting from the home office of the Outskirts of Suburbia. Today in history this blog was born. It has been three years of this nonsense and I'm not done yet. I never thought I'd make it this long, never thought I'd have this much to say, never thought I'd take that many pictures, never thought that bringing you this diversion from reality would take me to places I've never been but always wanted to go. Above you see pictures that you've seen before. These are some of your favorites and mine. The number one comment getter for the past year was this scene from Gettysburg I lucked into just at sunrise (one of my favorites) with 15 comments. With 12 comments was the mash-up of Life Lion taking off. And with lower comment numbers but some of my favorites are the reflection of the Dykeman House on Indian Head Springs, the panorama of Manhattan from Brooklyn and the Shippensburg Public Library during Snowmagedon.

This past year has taken me to new places and old places with a new outlook. I hadn't been to Maine since I was 15 or 16 but last summer I got another taste of it and look forward to going back. In baseball news we visited Fenway Park in Boston for the first time. We only toured the landmark ballpark but I hope to soon sit through nine innings in one of it's seats. Year three had me back in Elk County, a place I had been visiting since 1992, before my son was even born. This year I spent time with Bradley getting in close (at times too close) to the fall rut. What an awesome experience. I drove down to Conowingo Dam in Maryland for the first time to see the eagles. Wow, I wish it was time to go back again. And I will. And one of my favorite places that I need to explore more and more is New York City. I've been to Times Square before but there is a whole lot more there for me to discover and I look forwards to doing that with my buddy John. All totaled last year was 368 posts, 11,580 shutter releases from my Canon Rebel, I posted 7 crappy videos for the first time and I only wish I would have kept track of the miles. Then again it's probably for the best that I don't.
And last but not least THANK YOU for wasting part of your day here when you're suppose to be working. Without you I would be doing this for no one but myself just like when I started in 2007. Thank You for your comments, both on this sight and in person. I know I missed a few more days than normal this year (three I think) and I won't promise there won't be more. The band-aid I put on this computer could go at any time. But I promise to try my best to give you a random picture and some random words nearly every single day. Now I ask one thing from you. It is Cyber Roll call time. If you stop by everyday, if you stop by on the weekends, if you stop by every once in a while or if this is the first time visiting click on the comment button below and let me know that you are out there, and again and ahead of time THANK YOU!


  1. Haney, you know I am looking every day. The first photo should be just that the FIRST, it is fantastic image.

    Seeing that big bull heading at me on the photograph makes me want to stand behind you to let him past again, LOL. That was an awesome morning. Lets do it again this year. Starting in mid June I will be heading to SNP and north the Elk County for the new born calves and fawns. Spotted and feeding from their mothers along with new antler growth is just what I need to relax. Plan on going along and burning up that shutter.

    Looking forward to another year, Brad.

  2. I'm out here watching every day. I may not leave a comment everyday. You do a great job and the pictures you picked for this posted were just great. Enjoy this year as you have enjoyed the last 3. Keep up the good work.

  3. Haney,
    Like Sparkey, I'm here most every day and if not, I have to spend a little extra time catching up the next. There is always some combination of Outskirts, Ship Fire, and Brad Myers Photography. I normally don't comment but I'm out here just the same.

  4. Haney,
    I echo Kenny's comments. I always enjoy my daily pass through 'The Outskirts of Suburbia'!


  5. If only I was first to make a comment, I wouldn't have to repeat what others have said. But, I am also out here checking on four great blogs and enjoy all of them.
    Keep up the good work.


  6. Haney,

    I am visiting once a day like the others.. I may not leave a comment from time to time, but I am always here...

    Keep up the great work and congrats on another year!
