Other Stuff

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Orioles Wrap-up Show

Well the season is over. The O's spent most of the season in the cellar but I'm a fan and will continue to see the positive. Three players, Roberts, Huff and Markakis, made a run for the first Three teammates with 50 doubles in a season. B-Rob had 51, the other two had 48. Only 10 times in MLB history has three players had 50 doubles and never three teammates. Two players with more than 100 RBI's, Huff and Mora, with 108 and 104 . So it's obvious that the offence did what they could but they were stuck with the second worst team ERA in the AL at 5.13 and last in strike outs (922). And number one in home runs given up (184) and hit batsman (80). Gee, I wonder where we need to look this winter?
On the other end of the spectrum, as an O's fan I am a devout Yankee hater. As for their season I have three observations. #1 - Hank Steinbrenner isn't worth the spit his old man polishes his shoes with. #2 - Another $200 million in the crapper. That makes 8 years with out a ring or over $1.5 billion dollar spent. #3 - Joe Torre should be thanking the Steinbrenners for not interrupting his consecutive post-season streak.
And the ChiSox beat the Twins in the one game play off on a Jim Thome homer. As a note I have seen Thome homer as an Indian in the Jake and as a Phillie at the Vet. More worthless facts later.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys!

A picture from this past summer's March to Destiny on the streets of Shippensburg, PA. Here the Union boys prepare for a push against the oncoming Rebs.
On a picture-taking note, this is a great day to get period pictures, but getting all the modern conveniences and bystanders out of the shot is tough.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Floral Cleveland

These are some of the flowers that were blooming during my stay in Cleveland. The burgundy lilies, I believe, were near the Case Western Reserve University campus and the orange flowers were growing outside the fence of the Botanical Gardens.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Wait

In just five weeks I'll be high. High up in the Rockies, that is. It's just 4 weeks, 3 days and almost 8 hours until we leave. But who's counting? Me. I can't wait to climb into the saddle, smell the sage, feel the chill in the air and hear the chirps and mews of the elk. The smell of supper from the cook tent. Watching the sun slowly rising over the W and setting behind the ridge line. Hearing the coyotes yipping and yelping amongst themselves. The feel, after climbing and hiking all week, of the 104 degree water in the hot springs down in Glenwood Springs. Yeah, I'm counting.
This picture is our inept packer Jeff tightening the panyards for the third time while packing out in 2006. I ended up leading these two mules down to the pack station. Cowboy up.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Welcome Fall

Fall is here. The leaves will be changing soon, the reds and yellow, the oranges and browns will all soon be upon us. The day to day wait is frustrating when we know they're here and gone in a flash. It seems like only weeks ago I was posting the red maple leaves and the changing sassafras. The cool nights are a sure sign that summer is finally over. I don't know how people can live with the heat year round. Don't get me wrong I couldn't deal with snow - 365 - but highs around 80 degrees and lows in the upper 20's would be ideal. Now that sound reasonable to me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Twilight Exposure

I know this is out of focus a bit but the colors are eery. Just playing around on Monday (the first day of fall). Time: 7:45 PM, 5 second exposure at f5.0 and ISO 1600, hand held, resting on the truck window. Cropped and sized for posting. Nothing Else.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pickle Bill's Lobster House (PG LXXVI)

This is Pickle Bill's Lobster House on River Street in Grand River, Ohio. I found this one by accident, I was looking for the old Fairport Harbor lighthouse and stumbled onto Bill's. I never did find the old lighthouse. According to their website the original restaurant at this location burned down and reopened in January of 2000, so this is definitely a reproduction. And by the volume of traffic it must be THE place to be.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Passage to Nowhere

I've passed this doorway for many many years and I finally stopped by to take a picture of it. It's probably an old cold cellar to a long gone farm. I should check it out this winter after all the poison ivy dies off.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Tastes Like Every Other Letter

This is an old Schmidt's beer can I found, tossed aside many years ago. This is Christian Schmidt's of 2nd and Girard Street in Philadelphia. Not to be confused with Jacob Schmidt of St. Paul, Minnesota. There is a difference. Christian Schmidt, fresh to America by way of Germany bought a brewery in Philadelphia in 1860. Passed down through the family for years (eventually sold) it was the number 10 brewer in the US in the seventies and was brewing 3 million barrels by 1986. But a quick demise was to follow and the brewery closed in 1987.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Caledonia Falls

These are the falls at Caledonia State Park, setting just off of Route 30 on Route 233, midway between Chambersburg and Gettysburg, PA. I was out shooting some Senior pictures today and thought to check out the falls. The last time I went by here the creek was really low and the falls didn't amount to much. Today they were flowing OK. As I waited for my girl to get ready I set up and took a couple of the falls. Soon a group came down from further up the falls, they were taking senior pictures too. While I shot I saw some guys with a tripod waiting across the road. Busy place. I'm really surprised that I didn't get any company on location that morning, last time there I had a group waiting on me. Oh well, 'tis the season.
PS, I have my first victim, I mean volunteer, for guest posting. Become one today at theoutskirts@pa.net

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A New Life Together

I attended a wedding today for two friends. I know, as a guy this should set off signals and send me looking for excuses, but it was nice. Not over blown, not too showy and held in a beautiful small church. During the whole ceremony I found myself looking around thinking, "I wonder if they'd mind me taking pictures of these windows while they are doing the wedding party photos?" Actually I wondered this out loud and was told no by the wife. The piper was a gift from the bride's brother, an Army man. What a fitting gift to two people both with ties deep in the fire service. Best of wishes, you two, here's to a long and happy life together.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Training Day

This picture is from Company training earlier this summer. We were out to get some driver trainees some drafting practice and at the same time allowed some of the juniors and younger members a little nozzle time.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Flowers at the CBG

I've posted a bunch of pictures already from the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, birds, water falls, the arches and sculptures, but it occurred to me that I haven't posted any flower pictures yet. I mean, I went to the "Botanical Gardens" you would think that is all you would see. Well here is a taste. As you can tell from the lily I wasn't lying when I said it rained. The orange flower was inside the Costa Rican cloud forest building the others were in one of the many gardens outside.
PS. As a reminder I haven't heard from anyone yet to guest post will I'm out of town. The email box is open. theoutskirts@pa.net

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

www.ohiobarns.com (PG LXXV)

OK, I confess, I don't drive around and stumble onto all the Mail Pouch and other ad barns I post on here. I have help. The guys behind Ohio Barns have made this easier. Log on and click on Mail Pouch pictures and locations, pick a state and pick a county and they will show you where all known Mail Pouch ads are in that county (most will GPS coordinates). If I'm going somewhere I'll print off the list and find them when I have time. Don't get me wrong I have found a lot with out their help and I have some they don't (I will be sending them to him to be accounted for) but this adds to the fun of taking these pictures. The ones in downtown Cleveland had everyone looking "around here somewhere". Ohio Barns also list round and octagonal barns, covered bridges, old gas stations, old mills and a section called "Larger Than Life" where you can find an 80' fish (Atlanta Fish Market) or a 120' tall baseball bat (Louisville, Kentucky) or Paul Bunyan and Babe the blue ox (Del Norte County, California) and a lot of other strange but true creations.

This barn is along Tippecanoe Road in Bordman, Ohio and is one of about 100 Official state bicentennial logo barns in the state (each county has at least one, this one in in Mahoning County). This picture was take along I-76 near mile post 229, not far west of the Pennsylvania line.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Look at What I Found

I found this old picture in a photo album in the basement. It looks like the old magnetic album has taken it's tool. You remember those old photo albums don't you? You'd peel back the plastic lay your pictures in there straight then flatten out the plastic again. What a fantastic idea. Until it started discoloring all your memories and then good luck peeling the picture loose without tearing it to shreds. Several years ago I transferred all mine out of these and into more archival albums. Now I know they will not get any more damaged than they already are. Like this picture I took last week.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Singing the Blues

This is another shot of the bull elk in love, that we saw on our Labor Day journey up to Elk County. In this picture he is singing the blues after he got shot down by that cow. But that's OK, he'll keep looking.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cleversburg Sunset

This is this evening's sunset. If only a picture could capture the full view of the sky, because it was an awesome one tonight. I'm standing on the road through the cemetery at the Cleversburg church, I actually fired the flash on this one so the church was more than a silhouette (That would explain the white tombstones). The sunsets just keep getting better and better.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

News 8's Friday Football

Hey, it's week 3 into high school football and this week News 8's Friday Football, the after the late news high school football wrap-up show, was live at Shippensburg High School. Besides the fact we had to hang out at the school for 2 hours after the game for the show to start... and the fact the the Greyhounds got shut out 17-0... and despite the fact it had been raining ALL DAY... did I mention it had been raining ALL DAY?... the evening was still fun. The location man for Channel 8 was Mike Straub and he reported on a lot of area game including our loss. The band played the cheerleaders cheered and the boys did show a little pep. Even Champ the mascot made his TV debut. Maybe next time we can do this after a win. A dry win. I think it would be more memorable. No pictures from the game, so don't ask. It did RAIN ALL DAY if you hadn't heard.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dam Flower Pictures

Hey, just a quick post. This bee was buzzing those flowers at that dam. The End.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Patriot's Day 2008 - 7 years on

Here we are seven years from the day America changed. Have we forgotten? I hope not. I read recently that a memorial was opened at the Pentagon and one at Boston's Airport. These pictures are from New York City, the first from Ground Zero. The second is the preserved assignment board from Squad 252's station in Brooklyn. All six of these heroes gave their lives on September 11th. The remaining members of 252 sealed the board and it now hangs as a memorial to their brothers. They will be holding a service this morning at the station and remember those who gave all 7 years ago. God bless you brothers, I'm thinking of you, too.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Barn with the Red Man (PG LXXIV)

As promised this week were back on the tobacco. This beauty is in Huntington County, PA and is about 2.5 miles off of Route 453 on Route 550. I had heard of this one and was awed when I saw it in person. This is probably the best non-Mail Pouch barn I've ever seen. I know of some other Red Man barns but this is the only one sporting the Chief himself. I'm sure this is a reproduction but I don't care someone spent a lot of time on this.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Home Game

Another sunset over the hometown football team. They fought hard Friday night and held onto a slim lead into the 4th quarter. But too many turnovers and too much defensive time on the field tired them and spelled doom. Add to that the visitors haven't lost a division game since 2000 and we just couldn't hold them back. A long drive for a TD and a long breakaway for another and we dropped this one. Home again this week, it'll be another tough one, two teams in a row that went deep into the post season last year. I hope the boys can keep their focus.
P.S. The email address is up and running waiting to hear from you. theoutskirts@pa.net

Monday, September 08, 2008

5 Hundred

Here it is post number five hundred. I never dreamed I would get this far and still have something to show and tell. So in light of my Cyber Roll Call we did on my one year post I am proposing something different. No, I'm not the first to do something like this but it's my turn now and my rules. In early November I will be out of Internet range, out of cellphone range and out of vehicle-paved roads-electricity-and most people range. So here is my proposal... I want you to post for me while I'm gone. Here's how it will work:
  1. Don't comment that you are doing it. Let everyone be surprised.

  2. Adhere to the guideline of the Outskirts of Suburbia as documented in this post. "A picture or two or three everyday and some words."

  3. I maintain the right of censorship, this is a family rated blog and there are some things people don't want to see... like my mug.

  4. I have set up an email account, send it to me there. theoutskirts@pa.net (give me until Wednesday 9/10 to get this straightened out) Reduce your picture size to about 900 pixels if you can, I'm cheap, I'm on dial-up.

  5. I will fill in if I don't get enough guests.

So here is you chance. If you vegetate in front of the new boob tube (your computer) and say, "that looks easy." Here is your opportunity. Maybe you've already got a blog or site of your own and want to promote it, great (Just don't try to sell anything. see rule 3). Maybe your contemplating whether or not to fire up one of the bad boy blogs and just need a push. Here I am and I'm shoving. Thank you in advance. Haney.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


A walk along the Big Spring this morning shows that the flowers of spring and early summer and now changing to the flowers of late summer and early fall. I also saw mallards and egrets today and the cat tails are starting to go to seed. I'll need to go back through late fall and see what awaits.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sunset's Reflection

I know I said last week that I was done with the Saturday Post Live's but here is another one. This is one I tried last fall, only this time I got it. The sunsets lately have been great. With Hurricane Hanna's rains passing through all morning I would not have guessed that tonight's sunset would have turned out as well as it did.

Friday, September 05, 2008

More Elk

These cow elk were along the road, maybe a half mile from camp, and only 10 yards off the edge. These were the cows the bull was hareming the night before. These were the cows the bulls sparred over that morning. They let us get some pictures and simply admire them. Then we moved on and made our way back to the campground. And they became part of the forest again.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Balloon

This is just some graffitti I was messing with. When I saw it I thought I could do something with it. Maybe I was mistaken. Still trying to figure out this PSE6, I think PSE12 will be out 'til I get it nailed down. He lots a little stoned. Aloha, Mr. Hand.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Janadek Bakery (PG LXXIII)

Tobacco free again this week and back to Cleveland. I found this one just going around the block looking for something else. I utilized the old hit and run technique here. I think all I did was open the door stand up,shoot the picture and get going, not the bestest of neighborhoods.
Janadek Bakery use Washburn and Crosby's Gold Medal Flour.
In use for over 30 years.
I don't know what all the white is to through the middle or the ...PIA in the bottom right is.
Gold Medal flour is now a part of Betty Crocker.
Back to the tobacco next week with an awesome one I'd bet you've never seen.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Long and Lonesome Highway

Actually, this is the Quehanna Highway north of the Boot Camp looking south near the Clearfield and Elk County line. This is one straight road but if traveling at night keep it slow and one eye on each side of the road. Lots of deer here.
"Many a long and lonesome highway lies before us as we go.
In the end I'll do it my way.
Look for me where the four winds blow."
Rodney Crowell & Will Jennings 1989

Monday, September 01, 2008

Looking for Love

Yes, my short out-of-town weekend was spent in Elk County, Pa. I've been going up here camping since 1992 and unfortunately I haven't been up enough these last few years. But going up later in the summer or early fall is by far the best time to be in Elk Country. Labor Day weekend brings out the lovers in the elk world, it also bring out too damn many people. Rude people. Prime elk viewing time in the evening will leave you following the crowds, people parking on the road to run back behind some one's house to take a picture with their disposable camera. Evenings for me, on weekends such as this, I can be found in a lawn chair by the fire enjoying a cold Straub. Saturday evening, from fire side, we watched the crowds form so we walked over to see what the fuss was. The fuss was this guy keeping track of his girls. Three cows and three calves and lover boy here. This is the time of year they call the pre-rut or early rut which basically means the bulls are looking for love but the cows ain't. He followed them around but each sniff left him singing the blues. As dark settled and the crowds were dispersed by the State Cops ("You have thirty seconds to clear out or I'm writing tickets") this old boy continued to bugle into the night. What an awesome sound. Next morning I saw him mixing it up with a raghorn. It was still fairly dark and foggy and right in front of someone's house, I left the camera on my lap.