Other Stuff

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Around the 'house 2

More pictures from around the firehouse. Hey, if nothing else you can steal these and use them for wallpaper/screensavers.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Around the 'house

Around the firehouse. Today's pictures were taken a week ago late in the evening. In fact, most of the engine bay lights were out. I had my new 50mm lens on my camera and was playing with depth of field. Notice the third picture how there is a definite in-focus area? That's a shallow depth of field. Also with the 50mm I can't just stand there and get the entire engine. So here are bits and pieces of our fire engines. The last picture is the sign up board that is mounted between the bay doors for volunteers to sign into a riding assignment.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dragonfighters: FDNY Engine 9 Ladder 6

I'm finishing up Chinatown week at the firehouse. It is Fireday Friday. My little downloaded printout of all the firehouses near where we would be was topped with Engine 9 Ladder 6's house. The Chinatown Dragonfighters. We swung by early and everything was closed up. I was able to get some pictures of the door and others of the station outside. We stopped back again just before lunch and the Ladder was out so I got pictures of what I could. Engine 9 and Satellite 1. Satellite 1 was sitting back in a dark corner and looked like it had been there a while. Satellite 1 was put in service back in the Super Pumper days and remained even after the Super Pumper days ended. While there we talked to one of the firemen about the station and the FDNY in general. He, too, started out as a PA volunteer. We again returned even later to just hang out and wait for the parade to get down our way. The buzzer buzzed and Ladder 6 was off to a stuck elevator. Watching that tiller truck maneuver down the street was awesome. They got another run just as the parade ended. I'll post some more from this station some other time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Gold Dragons

Here is some more from the Lunar New Year Parade in New York City. These are the dragons that came by near the end of the parade. My video card filled up after 2 seconds, so my son changed the card and I ran about a block to head them off so I could get video. In the first two pictures that is the Manhattan Bridge in the background. We were standing along Allen Street between Division and Canal Streets. This area was really open, I've seen pictures from Sunday that others took along Mott Street (near the beginning of the parade) and it was a lot more crowded, but it looked to have a lot more energy. And the parade probably started on time over there.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chinatown, NYC (PG 138)

I've got to keep the Chinatown theme going, but I'm not going to tell you what this building says. Well, I'll tell you this much, the bottom says "Air Conditioning and Refrigeration". The top part you'll just have to figure out on your own. It sits, by the way, on the corner of Allen Street and Canal Street in the Chinatown Section of Manhattan, New York City.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NYC Lunar New Year Parade

I told you it would be a theme week. Here we have some more of the parade. These were some of the floats that passed us. I didn't pay a lot of attention as to what the floats represented but is anyone else creeped out by the second picture? There were 6 or 8 of these things on that float. And the last picture is a dumpling. At first I thought it was Mr. T, the Peirogie Man (guess you have to be Slovak to get that joke). But I think it was actually Dumpling Man.

Monday, February 22, 2010

2010 Year of the Tiger

How about a quick game of "Guess where I was Yesterday?" I'm tired so the answer is New York City. Chinatown to be precise. Yep, Junior and I left home at 6:20 Sunday morning and got back at 7:40 that evening. We drove up to watch the Chinese... I mean Lunar New Year Parade. Besides a lot of wasted time the parade itself was very cool. Lots of dragons, lots of drums. My only complaint was the information I got off the Internet said parade starts at 11:30. And some that said 1:00. I asked around in NYC and the answer was Noon. Or 1:00. The parade got to us at 2:08. That's 4 hours of walking around waiting for it to start any minute. We did do some fun stuff but could have done a lot more had we known. More on the throughout the week. It's a theme week. And more videos, too.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Birdwalk 2/14/2010: The Heron and the Wren

Here are a couple of the birds I ran into on my quick birdwalk last Sunday. Quick because it was windy and cold. And windy. And cold. The first three are the Great Blue Heron. Please excuse the third picture. I'm not quite sure I even like it. I've seen other bloggers lately (who actually know how to use a camera) posting what I would consider a blurry picture. I don't know if it's "artistic" or if it just merely shows motion but I thought I'd try it. The next three are of a Carolina Wren that was bee-bopping around and generally letting me close. I also saw some sparrows but only got some crappy pictures of them and the ever present Belted Kingfisher. He and I have been playing hide and seek for a while now. Sometimes I win, Sunday he won. No pictures.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bizzard Birds

Some more of the birds I had come to visit and feed off the birdseed sandwich. Top to bottom... White Throated Sparrow, I like how you can see the snow on the tips of his feathers... another sparrow and a junco and proof we had, at this time 19 inches of snow... Dark Eyed Junco, They're everywhere... White Crowned Sparrow... an American Goldfinch, eating the last of the thistle seed... and a Tufted Titmouse sharing the suet cake with a Downy Woodpecker.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Requiescant in Pace

I'm sure you all know how I love fire monuments, especially these old ones. This one stands at the York Fire Museum outside the old Royal Fire Station No. 6 in York city, PA. I posted pictures two weeks ago of the old fire station and you can see this monument sitting along the building. Sorry these pictures got a little blown out, it was mid-day and very bright. Also see... Cleveland... National Fire Academy... Carlisle, PA... National Fallen Firefighters Memorial... NFFM again... Old Yankee Stadium... Storm King Mountain... FDNY 9-11... FDNY Ten House... Harrisburg, PA... IAFF Memorial, Colorado Springs... and FDNY Squad 252.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

SkyWatch and Snow on the Horizon

How can you look at his picture and wish for summer? This was taken last Sunday morning barely a week after Blizzard 1 and four days after Blizzard 2. The area where this was taken got more than three feet of snow in less than a week. But just look at that scene and tell me how mid-August, 95 degrees and 95 percent humidity can be better. Answer... It can't.
SkyWatch time again. Time to click on the icon in the right sidebar over there. Come on I know you want to try it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Farmers Market (PG 137)

This is the last of the Chambersburg Gentlemen I found last month. All I can make out of this one is the "Farmer's Market" at the top. There is a yellow row of bricks that you'll sometimes find with Coca Cola but the squiggles under the MAR don't really look like Coke. I have driven past this one for years and never saw it until last summer when I was on King Street and there it was. Sitting on East Main Street it is hidden by the fact that East Main is a one way street the other way.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Neither Snow nor rain...

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"

Although the US Postal Service claims no official motto these words are engraved in the building of the New York General Post Office and people associate this to the USPS. Well last week's blizzard called for a postal snow day. It does get really rainy sometimes, too, and I hate it when the nights get really really gloomy. Just gives me the creep, you know.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Field House at SU

Some more of my clandestine night manuvers at Shippensburg University over the winter break. This time it's Heiges Field House. This is basicly the gymnasium.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cardinals in the Snow

Cardinals are red, Jays are blue... OK, bad Valentine's reference. It took a while. The didn't get too close on the day of the first blizzard, but they made an appearance the next day. And they showed up during the second blizzard. Heck, I had to stop posting right now because there is another one out there. It is really exciting to be able to watch these beautiful birds just 4 feet from my window. They seem to enjoy the birdseed sandwich.