OK, anyone who read Saturday's post knows what I'm talking about here. While on a walk along the Big Spring I spotted a group of Cedar Waxwings zipping in and out of a bare tree branch. So, I kept the camera fixed on that branch. Looking down into the brush on the edge of the spring. I looked up from the eyepiece and saw this. I then swing the camera up the short 4 or 5 feet from where I was watching the Waxwings fired off a couple shots and he was gone. I thought, "Awesome, how often does that happen?" Then I dawned on me (People with DSLR's set to manual, take notes) The settings where set for the dark shadows and brush the Waxwings were in. The deer was in full harsh sunlight. That's right the pictures I got were blown out badly. Thank God for Photoshop, I was able to fix the exposure and get this. Pretty cool.