Again this week we are going to South of the Border in Dillon, South Carolina for another larger than life. Last week it was the big cheeseburgers and I had one comment. She mentioned that she also saw a large sombrero. That sombrero sits atop the water tower. But the Really Big Sombrero is The Peddler Steakhouse itself. Now THAT is a BIG Sombrero.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Shorebirds vs. Suns
As promised here are some random shots from the inside of Perdue Stadium. Just some information that you will never need to know, the Shorebirds lost 6-2. Winning pitcher for Hagerstown was Paul Applebee, losing pitcher for Delmarva was Matt Bywater. (Some day someone will Google those names and they'll end up here) The mascot is Sherman the Shorebird. The girl on the truck shooting t-shirts and softee balls with Sherman is one of the Chicken Flock. Also included is a double play by the Suns and a Delmarva reliever catching a pop-up. And there is a huge Dr Pepper ad on the roof of the visitors dugout.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Arthur W. Perdue Stadium, Salisbury,Maryland
Baseball game number two for me this summer happened while on vacation this summer. We took an afternoon trip up to Ocean City, Maryland then headed a half hour west to Salisbury to see the Delmarva Shorebirds take on the Hagerstown Suns. This was our second game here we visited in 2002. (actually it was the third, the last time was a doubleheader). Our seats were two rows above the visitors dugout along the first base line. Boring game, I'm sorry to say. The first three innings took over an hour. Things eventually picked up but still ended with a home team loss. Perdue Stadium was opened in 1996 and is named for the Perdues of chicken fame. The pressbox is named for Frank Perdue, the TV spokesman for their chicken empire. Delmarva Shorebirds are the Low A farm team of the Baltimore Orioles, Hagerstown Suns are in the Washington Nationals organization. They play in the South Atlantic League, aka SAL, aka Sally League. More on the game itself later.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Citizen's Fire Company, Tamaqua, Pa.
The Citizen's Fire Company, located 99 West Rowe Street in Tamaqua, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania was organized in 1852 as the Perseverance Fire Company #1. They reorganized as the Citizen's Fire Company #1 in 1889. This station was built in 1914. I was in town during a street fair, (Not the one displayed above the door) and I stood in line for a bleenie. What is a bleenie? I asked myself the same thing. It is a potato pancake thing. About 3 inches round and half an inch think. A little salt, a little ketchup, not too bad.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Captain Bob's
On our recent trip to Chincoteague we didn't realize until it was too late that our favorite crabbing pier at Barnacle Bill's was closed. I guess Bill decided to retire and put the old bait abd tackle shop up for sale. So we cruised a little further south on Main Street and stopped by Captain Bob's. After securing permission to crab from the docks we were set for business. This view is looking north toward the main part of town.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A Really Big Cheeseburger
If there is one thing you gotta love, it would be a great big cheeseburger. This one is big enough to keep the rain off your head before entering the restaurant at South of the Border in Dillon, South Carolina.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Can You Guess What This Flower is?

Sunday morning had me driving around just enjoying the day. I headed to a place that can be rich with inspiration. That would be the nearby State Game Lands. And this morning that inspiration would be an assortment of wildflowers, aka, weeds. Shooting with natural lighting sometimes means shooting with natural wind. And, you know, you can't hold a flower from swaying in the wind and take a picture of it at the same time. I read that somewhere, I wouldn't try that myself. So these are not as razor sharp as I would have liked. But have you guessed it yet? These are Goldenrod. Each of those little yellow flowers are probably less than a quarter of an inch. Something you wouldn't notice driving by. Sometimes you need to stop and smell the flowers (I think someone else once said that).
Monday, August 22, 2011
Red and Green. barn charm no. 9

This is the barn I mentioned several weeks ago on a previous Barn Charm post. This barn sits on the same side of the road right beside the "Old Barn on the Hill." I'm not sure what goes on in the barn either. It looks well kept. Are the solar panels for the house or whatever it is that happens in the barn? Hmmmm.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Ocean City Firefighter's Memorial

The Ocean City, Maryland Firefighter's Memorial was dedicated on September 11, 2006, the 5th anniversary of the terror attacks. It sits on the Boardwalk at North Division Street. Dedicated not only to the fallen firefighters of Ocean City but to the firefighters of the world.
Dedicated to the firefighters of the world.
Your devotion to duty and dedication to service are appreciated beyond the capacity that mere words can describe.
Great personal danger comes with each fire fought and lifesaving attempt made, yet you continue to answer the calling.
Every community on earth is enhanced by your existence and richer for your contribution.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Golden Shoreline

Today's ThemeWeek: Beach, is golden. This is sunrise on Wednesday morning last week. No clouds in the sky that morning, when the sun went up it went straight to yellows and oranges. This picture is straight out of the camera. All I did was size it down to fit on here. Along with these colors came the heat. The blue and purpley sunrises are usually cooler.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
By the Light

Last Friday morning was the first time in years that I was in Chincoteague but not on Assateague Island walking the beach when the sun came up. It had been a long week of seeing the sunrise every morning but not making up that time in the evening by going to bed early. So Friday morning I still got up by myself and drove around Chincoteague Island for sunrise. This was taken from the East Side boat ramp. I was going to include some other pictures of the Assateague lighthouse, but I think this picture stands alone.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
An Anniversary Cruise

That's right, my wedding anniversary passed while we were hanging out at the beach. So I took my wife and kids on a cruise. A pontoon boat ride around Chincoteague Island. 23 miles in 2 hours. Although we never entered the Atlantic Ocean we did pause for a while at the inlet of the Chincoteague Bay. He cut the motor as we were surrounded by dolphins. Kind of "You got fins to the left, fins to the right..." Captain Dan was explaining the type of dolphin these were and how they do this, how they do that, blah, blah, blah. All I could hear was the voice in my head saying, "there. over there. to the right. behind you." and the constant click, click, click of the Canon as I tried to fill up my memory card. This was my best. The better opportunities all took place "behind me." You will see dolphins here again soon.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Got Crabs?

Attention, attention, I have an announcement to make. Today, Monday, is the start of ThemeWeek: Beach. The family and I spent 5 days on sunny Chincoteague Island, Virginia last week and it was not nearly enough to cleanse the soul. But I saw a few interesting things and dis some interesting stuff. As always sunrise found my daughter and I walking the surf. This year's target became these sand crabs or ghost crabs (not sure what they are called). They would see you from 20 yards and scramble back to their holes in the sand. I think in four mornings I caught three on camera. Their camouflage is amazing.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Gettysburg National Museum, Home of the Electric Map, Gettysburg, Pa. 2011

Located near the spot where Abraham Lincoln delivered the immortal Gettysburg Address, contains the NATION'S LARGEST COLLECTION of Civil War Relics and the WORLDS ONLY ELECTRICAL MAP. The Electrical Map reenacts the Battle of Gettysburg.
Marken & Bielfeld, Inc., Frederick, Md.
This one wasn't too difficult to line up. The old Gettysburg Visitor's Center was torn down in 2008 when the new Gettysburg Museum and Visitor's Center opened. Originally built in 1921 it was acquired by the National Park Service in 1963, around the time of the battle centennial. In 1974 it had become the official Visitor's Center. The Electric map was just that, a map that showed the progression of the three day battle with a series of lights. Built in the 1930's and overhauled in the '60's it was to be demolished along with the structure in 2008 but it was saved, cut into smaller pieces, shrink wrapped and put into storage to maybe, or maybe not, someday be reassembled and put on display again.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Fireside Chat
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Fireworks at the Ironpigs Game

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Coaldale 18218

Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Fun in the Sun

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