Liberty Steam Fire Company No. 1, Dauphin County Co. 88 (formerly Company 57) 20 North Catherine Street, Middletown, Pa. Founded on November 11, 1874 this building was built in 1891. The bell tower was added in 1911, it replaced another to the rear of the building that was built in 1902. The tower was used for hanging hose to dry and the original hangers are still there. The Liberty Company used the building until they built their new station on Adelia Street in 1974. In 1977 the building was renovated into the Middletown Public Library. I found this interesting video to explain it all.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
October is Just Around the Corner!
The talk has already started. Well, it never really stopped. I am on an official countdown for my semi-annual camping trip to the high country of Colorado. The difference this year, as apposed to the last few, I plan on gaining about 400 pounds of muscle on this one.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tommy, the Giant Crab
They grew them bigger in South Carolina. Tommy the Giant Crab sits along Route 17 just north of Myrtle Beach.The biggest dang crab at the beach (34 feet by 25 feet and 4.5 tons of steel and fiberglass). No, I didn't eat here either. We ate next door. Good food, not so great advertising. Tommy actually made it on Ohio Barns Larger than Life list.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Corner of 3rd and East Ruddle Street
This, in it's heyday, was a bank. Built in 1910, I don't ever remember it being a bank. I remember it being the liquor store. My Grandmother lived a block up and half a block over. My Great Grandparents lived just a few houses down the street. And St. Cyril's was right across the street. When we were little we could walk around the block but we couldn't cross the street. This is the far northeast corner of that block. This building, like a lot of others in Coaldale, has seen better days.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Free Screensaver
I've got nothing today. It was a long and busy weekend. So here. Right click and save. And set it as your screensaver. If we survive the possible frost this week , I think we can put the winter that never was in our rearview and just roll into summer. Unless it gets warmer than 80, then I'll wish for these 50's and 60's again.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Liberty Fire Co. No. 1 and the Middletown Volunteer Fire Department
Liberty Steam Fire Company No. 1, Dauphin County Co. 88. Formerly Company 57. 10 Adelia Street, Middletown, Pa. Founded November 7, 1874, it has been a part of the Middletown Volunteer Fire Department since it's incorporation October 28, 2004. Don't know when this building was built but I'm sue it's not the original station from 1874. It appears that this is currently home to the Middletown Volunteer Fire Department's Union and Liberty Companies, since Rescue Hose is still in their old station on Union Street. But plans have been approved to add another 37 feet to the right of the existing apparatus bays. The bell from the Liberty's house is from the McShane Foundry in Baltimore, same foundry that made the Vigilant Hose Company of Shippensburg's bell.
UPDATE 3/24/2012: Apparently I didn't speak to the right people. The day after I post the final pictures of Middletown's fire houses I run into a friend who says,"I grew up in Middletown and belonged to the Union's before I moved to this area. What do you want to know?" First of all, the Liberty's started on Catherine Street. Their old station is the town library. So, I'll need another trip to Middletown. This station was built in 1974 and houses all of the MVFD. The engine I saw at the Rescue's house was an older out of service piece. In 2004, when they consolidated, everyone moved to the Liberty's station.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Somewhere Over the Sun Dog

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Uncle Joe's Cabins, Chincoteague Island, VA.
Welcome to Uncle Joe's. By reading some of the on line reviews, you are looking at the best part of it. The sign is nearly as old as some of the cabins (trailers). Uncle Joe's cabins are along Chicken City Road just south of Maddox Boulevard on Chincoteague Island Virginia, if your interested.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
This Mockingbird Does Sing
No diamond ring for you, cause this mockingbird does sing. It's also the last of the suet feeder hanging from the hut frame. It has been dismantled and is bound for the recycling center. I will be rebuilding the deck this spring.
Monday, March 19, 2012
The Big Barn
Barn Charm 23. I've posted a few barns on here for Tricia's Barn Charm and I've often heard the comment on the size of the barns here in south central Pennsylvania. It's true. Barns around here are used by the farmer for everything from storing hay and grains, parking farming implements and tractors and many have the milking parlor on the ground floor. Often called a bank barn, you can actually see the man made bank on this one, so they could pull the wagon loads of hay onto the second floor lofts. This one is also called a Pennsylvania Barn because of the overhang on the front of the barn. You can see that they blocked in in and put a door in this side of it. This barn isn't way out in the boonies either. Sitting just across the Swatara Creek from Middletown, it literally sits in the shadows of Three Mile Island, located just 3 miles south of the barn.
It's been a while, so don't forget to go over to the Official Barn Charm site to see everybody's barns. Just click on the old barn below here.
It's been a while, so don't forget to go over to the Official Barn Charm site to see everybody's barns. Just click on the old barn below here.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Union Hose Company No. 1, Middletown, Pa.
Union Hose Company No. 1, Dauphin County Company 88. Formerly Company 56. 51 East Water Street, Middletown Pa. Founded on August 19, 1827 it has been a part of the Middletown Volunteer Fire Department since it's incorporation on October 28, 2004. Not much to learn from the front of this building. 1977 minus 150 years confirms that they were founded in 1827. Don't know when this building was built or if they moved out in 2004 to a larger station on Adelia Street.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The beginning of another great day at the beach. It could have been raining and it would still be the beginning of a great day at the beach. I just would not have seen the sunrise.
Assateague Island, Virginia, August 2012.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Three Square Hollow Lookout
A view from the new lookout on Three Square Hollow Road. This is past the old lookout that was right along the side of the road. This one looks as if it was a scout project. There is even a parking area. Same great views without the old feeling of falling or driving over the side of the mountain. Which is a good feeling any day of the week.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Countdown to Opening Day
Again this year I am hoping that the O's can pull together a full season to be proud of. And that I go see more games that the One I have seen each of the past two seasons. One this for sure of these pictures from last Septembers loss to the Angels, only the Bird will return to Charm City. Pedro Florimon is now with the Twins and Jeremy Accardo is pitching for the Indian organization. Let's Go O's! They open 2012 with the Twins on April 6th.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Every year when we are up at the Lunar New Year parade I try and capture the confetti that gets shot all over the place. They sell these tubes everywhere and everyone is popping them off. the streets are covered, the cars in the parade are covered, your hair is covered. I can't believe how much is everywhere. Or how they can possibly clean it all up.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
I know, wow, what's so special about that? Nothing. Just driving around with my video camera sticking out my window. This one is out in Hopwell Township on the outskirts of Newburg. First part is Ramp's Covered Bridge (Here and Here) the second part is Mountain Road leaving Green Springs Road, left at Oakville Road and crossing the Conodoguinet Creek in the State Game Lands. Enjoy. Or not.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Rescue Hose Co. #3, Middletown, Pa.
Rescue Hose Company #3, Dauphin County Company 88. 600 South Union Street (at State Street) Middletown, Pa. Founded on July 16, 1888 it has been part of the Middletown Volunteer Fire Department since it's incorporation on October 28, 2004. It's amazing the things you learn just by looking at the cornerstones. The building was built in 1958. The company was founded in 1888. And on July 18, 1947 Rescue Hose Firefighter Harold Wise Mansberger died in the line of duty.
Firefighter Mansberger drowned while trying to rescue a family whose boat went over a low head dam on Swatara Creek. Read Here
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Engine 1-4 at Night
Chambersburg Fire Department Engine 1-4 in front of Central Presbyterian Church , on the square, in Chambersburg during 2012 Ice Fest.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Beaches Burgers, NMB, SC
Biggest burgers on the beach. This place just opened early last summer in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It sits on Sea Mountain Highway in Cherry Grove. Problem with us out of season visitors is that it's not open in the winter. Oh, well, it sounds like a good place for an affordable burger. And I like burgers. I just hope that is paint and not sea-pigeon sauce on that huge burger.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Pandemonium Cemetery
I'm always amazed at the things you find when you're just driving around. While avoiding getting lost up between the Blue and Tuscarora Mountains I passed a small sign the said "Pioneer Cemetery". You'd stop too, won't you? I've heard reference to Pandemonium in this wide general area before but never driving these roads before I didn't get the connection. It was nice to get out and walk around I find these places intriguing. There was also a sign down below on the main road that mentioned the former location of the "Site of Henry's Valley School - Operated until 1912". Check out this site with some "information" on the cemetery.
Monday, March 05, 2012
Ward Trucking Corp.
This is the old Ward Trucking facility west of Cameron Street near McClay Street. I think, if it's the same company, they are now on the west shore on Slate Hill Road in Camp Hill.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Friday, March 02, 2012
I think the old girl still has some good years ahead of her. Someone already brushed on a new coat of paint. Some lights, maybe at least a windshield and a new pump and we can get her out on the street. Guess we ought to fix the officers' door, that rope makes it tough to round a right turn. I'd say, overall, she's a bargain.
This old engine sits out in front of Dick's Pawn Shop in North Myrtle Beach, NC.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
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