After almost 13 months I've got to admit that finding a picture to post and finding some thing to write about are at times very difficult. I try not to become redundant, but sometimes a series is necessary to tell the story. Today's picture comes from a train station visit back in April, yes, the one in New Jersey. I think I made my point back then. Anyways I spent a couple hours at the station talking with the people who built it, the people who run it and the people who keep it running. I learned alot about what they need to work and also got to watch the efficiency of the railroad. If they were running a bit late the androgynous monotone voice announced the delay. And the engineers operating the trains would fly right in and you would think they're just passing by and suddenly they would stop, open the doors and wait for embarking and debarking. At mid day the passenger service slows down a bit though, I'm sure if we'd have been there much earlier the traffic towards the city would have explained the full parking lot.
When I first saw the photo I was wondering if this was in Germany when you were in the Air Force.
I appreciate your photos and the detail you add . Unlike Brad`s blog , I can arrive at work at 0500 and the new post is up for the day. Yes Brad thats a shoot at you. Both blogs are great.
I have a bed time Barry, I can't stay up that late. I also don't like to adjust the time on the blog so things appear when they don't, I like it to be real time. I didn't know you were looking at the photography blog of mine.
Hey, this scheduled posting is awesome. I type it up, tell it to post at 12:01 and I'm done. I can't post early in the morning I have a snooze alarm, and I'm not afraid to use it.
Barry, this is in Mount Arlington, NJ and the NJ Transit Authority guys refer to this as the Ski Lodge. It just opened in January.
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