Tuesday morning I drove to a job site on the outskirts of Newburg and Newville, Pa. Just as I was getting to where I needed to be I saw three deer in a sorghum field. It was a big buck tending to two doe. At that point I regretted not bringing the camera. Wednesday morning, camera in hand, same job, same route of travel , no deer. Thursday morning, leave even earlier. Same job, same route, only this time it was expanded. Through the Game Lands, along the Turnpike, down by the creek, no deer. Co-worker calls to tell me he's at the job and where was I? I was less than half a mile away, around one last turn, I'll meet him stash the camera under my seat, don't forget my water bottle, lock the truck before I leave, there's a deer in that field. There's a DEER in that field. Hit the brakes, hit the window, swing the camera, follow that deer. A whistle gets him to stop, but only for a moment. I hope the settings are OK, buck fever, I never checked them. Not too bad, Outdoor Life isn't gonna make an offer, but for my first cruise for deer these pictures recall the movie I see in my head. This will take some practice.
1 comment:
That guy has a nice rack on him. Driving around shooting never gets any easier. You will learn a few tricks, but it is still about being faster than the wildlife and we normally lose on that one.
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