Another Friday, another Fireday. And today we head back to New York City. This is Engine 55's house in Little Italy, 363 Broome Street. We ran across this on the walk back to our car as we were leaving. Engine 55 lost five of it's Bravest on 9-11, their names grace the engine door. There are also bronze plaques around the outside of the station to honor all of 55's losses, seven total. This station was built in 1898, I wish we could have gotten inside if you look at the picture I took of the engine through the bay door, look to the left. That is a brass pole. It is officially a real firehouse.
Here is a link to some history and old photos of Engine 55.
Really spiffy! The very red and ornate firehouse enterance is marvelous. Like the plaque with date & architect's name.
Now that is the way a firehouse SHOULD look!
Wonderful photos!
Thanks for sharing.
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