The other Mid-Summer Classic. Fireworks. Pyrotechnics. Nothing says hot and humid like laying on a blanket in the grass, fat and happy with a hot dog in one hand and a cold beer in the other than large amounts of explosives igniting just over your head. Yes, there's the booms and pops and bangs, whizzers and cracklers and then there is the "sound checks", KA-BOOOOOOM! And the blinding flash of white light that follows. Sometimes three or four of them. No pretty colors, no ooooohhh's, no aaaaahhh's. Just barely enough time to flinch and cover your ears. Ever notice it's always the first thing in the air, too? Like I said, " Sound Check". Just enough to let everyone know "It's Time". And bring the squeamish to tears.
Fantastic photos of fireworks!Wonderful to see!Have a nice weekend!
Wonderful memories. :)
Ah, wonderful memories indeed!! Love your photos! Have a great weekend!
YESSS, Spectacular!!! =)
Great fireworks shots, love you flower shots too. I wish it was Summer too.
So much fun to see fireworks at this time of deep gray skies and cold!
it got me excited and looking forward to fireworks for new year! love the burst of colours on the last photo :)
These are beautiful!
great captures.
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