Who needs Wally World and Marty, the stupid talking moose out front, to know when you're having fun. The World of Pigeons is all a kid needs. The WOP is located along Route 75 in Fannettsburg, PA or is better seen, as this picture was taken, from the Pennsylvania Turnpike near mile marker 189. Inside this barn was probably 150 to 200 pigeons, not your average barn pigeons or your standard pooping-on-the-statue-in-the-park variety, no we're talking Tumblers, Homers, Tipplers and racers. And the man behind the dream is an old German fella who loved what he did, he once told me "Dare are two tings I love, viman and pee-jons". He also explained the difference between the German woman and English woman "Ingleesh vimon have da small ah-sses" This old guy was a riot, he could tell you stories for hours if you let him. It's been years since I've stopped by and he had to be in his eighties then, the last time I was out the turnpike past here it didn't look so lively. And if he's no longer around "Auf Wiedersehen mein Freund."
Im sorry to say the man that you are referring to is no longer around.That was my stepfather paul. My mother had to sell everything when he passed although the new owners still the last time I passed had the sign which paul and my husband hung many years ago up on that barn. My children also loved the birds. My mother lives with me now and nolonger has the birds she also had a stroke although she does as well as she can. That farm was when she was happiest even though the work was hard she truely enjoyed it and the especially enjoyed those who stopped. Thanks much
I'm traveling back home again today past World of Pigeons. I've loved driving by that place for years. My father raised and raced homing pigeons. He's been dead now for about 8 years. This trip I was scared the sign would be gone and an era would have passed. Thanks for hanging the sign. Its brought me lots of remenicent joy over the years when I pass.
It looks like the farm is for sale again. The old sign has been replaced by a for sale one.
It looks like the farm is for sale again. The old sign has been replaced by a for sale one.
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