Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future... I found this one in Carlisle, PA, just south of Pomfret Street between Hanover and Pitt Streets. The clock caught my eye before the words did.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day, You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way... I don't know anything about this building or Hartzell's. This may have just been a storage building for them.
Can you teach me about tomorrow, And all the pain and sorrow, Running free, cause tomorrows just another day, And I don't believe in time... There doesn't seem to be evidence that this clock ever really worked or kept time.
Who knows where we shall meet again, If ever, But time, Keeps flowing like a river (on and on), To the sea, to the sea, Till it's gone forever.
(Musical shout-outs to Mr. Miller, Mr. Floyd, Mr. Hootie and Mr. Parsons.)