POST NUMBER SIX HUNDRED. Pardon me for shouting but, obviously, this is post number 600. I still have a backlog of Colorado hunting/camping adventure to post. Other miscellaneous stuff from here and there. Some fun things lined up for the next week or so. My Painted Gentleman supply is running low, so I made need a road trip to somewhere I ain't been yet. But until then, thank you loyal blog surfers for stopping by and giving me a reason to stare into the abyss of the blog-o-sphere. Coming up this week, starting tomorrow, I'll try to make it a week of Christmas related posts, since all I've devoted to the cause so far is the tree farm. Thank you, again for stopping by. Come again real soon.
This train was sitting at the station along Seventh Street in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, last month. That is the Grand Avenue bridge it is sitting under with the Colorado River behind it.

Way to go, number 600. Keep up the great job.
Congratulations Mom
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