This is the infamous Snag. This is where I saw a few sunrises and a sunset. I saw the jays and the magpies. I saw the big buck before the season started on the ridge there in picture three and listened to the coyotes sing just below hill in picture one. There was a ridge line just behind me that I would step back and check every 15 minutes or so. That is where I saw the bucks opening morning. The blind itself has been here for years, probably grew over time. There was evidence of small fires lit to keep warm and empty casings that were proof that deer and elk passed through here from time to time. This was, in fact, a crossing that the game would use to get from one drainage to another without having to climb the steeper hills. I would sit and listen. Sit and watch. Check over the ridge. Nap. Listen. Watch. I was, you know, in Colorado hunting. Perfect.
That is why you didn't see anything, instead of sitting in your snag waiting their arrival you were out admiring your snag with the camera tipping off all the Elk. I can hear the big bull now "If those Pa hunters could sit still for five minutes they would have a chance".
It has been a good week of photos for you Haney, keep up the good work.
No Brad I think it was the napping. The elk would come up and say look at that PA hunter sleeping.
This piture was taken as I was leaving the setup after about 6 hours. Thanks for the good words.
Oh, were you hunting in Colorado recently? I didn't know...
Hunting in Colorado? I thought we went camping.
Hunting in Colorado, I thought we were just taking a walk about. Looks like your were staged in a motel room with all those accomadations at the snag. I enjoyed the shooting gallery with all the snow.
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