Friday, June 18, 2010

Name that Station 5

All righty, as long as you all play, I'll be here to challenge. Again for this week these are all Cumberland County. Answers at noon.


Anonymous said...

#3 is obviously the easy one, being Newburg, Co 51.

My uneducated guesses for the others are Co 37, the Navy Depot for #2 and old Cumberland Goodwill, Co 40 for #4. Those are my SWAG's!

I have no clue at #1. Are those outbuildings behind Newburg's firehouse?


Sparky said...

Ok Let's try this #1 Is the annexes at Newburg. #2 I will guess is North Middleton. #3 is Newburg. And #4 is Camphill Fire Dept. My answers are final.

Woody said...

I will agree with #4 as Camp Hill...I thought number 3 was West End...

Anonymous said...

Number 1 and 2 no clue.

Number 3 isn't West End it is Newburg.

Number 4 looks like Camp Hill

Cincy Bill

Brad Myers said...

Sorry Kevin, I was out of town photographing whitetails and just got back. To late to post some answrers.

Kcalpesh said...

The garages and vehicles look really modern!! Ours are still primitive...

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