Thursday, April 30, 2009
the alley 8:44 pm
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Funky Frog (PG 103)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Year Three, Day One & the 2nd Annual Cyber Rollcall

Yes, today is the day. Today is my two year blogiversity. That's right I've been boring you all for two years. I know there are some of you who check this out just to see if I showed up and what for wacky adventure I have been on lately. I've said before I promise you a picture or two or three and some words every day. Can't guarantee what time I'm posting, just that I am. In the past year I missed two days of posting. Computer/Internet/No Time issues right before I left for Colorado last fall. I made it up to y'all with 4 posts in one day. I did post twice with no words, did that with out even thinking about it. Had guest posters while I was on said Colorado adventure. Thanks again to Cincy Bill, Mama Clep, Sparky and Grizz. Spent a day out shooting with some good friends, thanks Bradley and Shane, we'll have to do that again soon. And along the way I might have learned a thing or two about taking better pictures. Now I just need to remember that stuff. So here's to another year. Lets see where it takes us. And most of all thanks you for checking in every day, or every other day or once a month, whatever, thanks for stopping by.
Now let me know who I need to thank. I am asking for another cyber roll call like we did last year. I know you don't comment all the time or maybe never. maybe you don't want other civilized folks know you've visited the Outskirts of Suburbia. So drop me a line. Just a note. Hit that comment button, leave a short message, even just a "Here, Sir" an "All present and accounted for" Leave a name, a nickname, your initials, your dogs name just a hint who you might be, "Hey, I'm the guy you spilled beer on that that party in 1986." I remember who you are and I thank you for stopping by. It's easy. And stop back again.
Today's pictures are from this past year and are some of the most commented on. The train station at Mount Pleasant, NJ, Sunset over the Cleversburg United Methodist Church, The moon, Jupiter and Venus, Another sunset and Shippensburg University's Old main on an icy cold night. What was your favorite picture over the past year?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Reily Hose Co. #10, Harrisburg

Our next volunteer fire company in Harrisburg would be the Susquehanna Engine Company No. 9. The Susquehanna was on South Cameron Street, and I'm not sure where, but it no longer exists.
Number 10 would be the Reily Hose Company No. 10 located at Dauphin and 4th Street. Organized in 1885, the operated out of ashed on the 500 block of Wood Street until 1889 when land was donated to built a firehouse. This frame station was replaced in 1899 by this beautiful building, which, along with a lot of the old firehouses closed in 1980. In 1991 the city took possession of the building again and created the fire museum. The website can be found here.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
White-Breasted Nuthatch

Continuing along with my weekend bird posts, this is a White-Breasted Nuthatch. Taken, again, at the feeders at Wildwood Lake in Harrisburg. I know it probably isn't cool to have a picture of it at the feeder but that was the best one I got. In most of my other pictures he is hiding behind branches.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Schmidt's Bakery (PG 102)

This week is the last of the Painted Gentlemen at 18th and Mulberry Street in Harrisburg. Just north of Hoffer's Mill, which is just north of E. C. Snyder's Planing Mill. This is Schmidt's Bakery. The only thing I found was that in July of 1911 Bernard Schmidt's bakery and home burned down on north 13th Street, I don't know if that is the same baker or not.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Things Found

You know, not every walk in the woods leads to birds or snakes or other assorted critters, sometimes it leads to the curious, the odd, the unexplained. Just this past weekend I found this cool fungus on the side of this locust tree. Some one's fishing bobber that they had lost. Actually I saw two bobbers along the same stretch of the Conodoguinet Creek Sunday morning. And the tire thing. I don't know either. It was probably 200 yards off the road, along a small stream and at least a half mile from the nearest building. How did it get there? Who put it there? Why? Someone went through some trouble, cutting up a tire isn't something easily done. The world may never know.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Mt Pleasant Fire Company #8, Harrisburg

Next in our tour of Harrisburg's old fire stations would be Goodwill Fire Company No. 7. But the Goodwill's sat at 6th and Calder Streets and were sold to the Redevelopment authority and the land now serves as a parking lot.
Mount Pleasant Fire Company No. 8 sits at 9 South 13th Street at Howard Street. Built in 1953 it replaced a bigger station built in 1883 but condemned in 1952. Mt Pleasant is the only remaining active volunteer fire company in Harrisburg. This station houses Harrisburg's Squad 8, a 1999 Seagrave Rescue/Pumper. The Squad was out of the station the day we stopped by.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Rufous-sided Towhee

Continuing with my weekend bird posts, this is, as the title implies, a Rufous-sided Towhee. It is a male with the black coloring, the female has a more browny coloration. I found him while on a walkabout this morning out at the State Game Lands. The second picture he has his mouth open singing, he gets his name from the sound he makes. The third picture shows his back side.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
SkyWatch on a Dark and Stormy Night

Imagine if you can man's best friend, a beagle, a white and black spotted beagle sitting atop his doghouse tick tacking away on his typewriter. (Dogs don't use computers, ya know) He sits there as he has many times writing the stories we all know. This would work better over the pumpkin patch at Halloween wouldn't it?
For more SkyWatch hit the button on the right side over there.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hoffer Flour & Feed (PG 101)

Like last week this Painted Gentleman comes form the 18th Street and Mulberry Street area of Harrisburg. This building is adjacent to last weeks E. C. Snyder building. As usual I don't know anything about Hoffer's Flour and Feed but this isn't the first Occidental Flour sign I've seen. Maybe the first I got any pictures of, but I've seen them before.
This is what the 'Net and fellow bloggers tell me. "In 1901 two small mills, built some years before, were operating in Valley City and Jamestown, N.D., From this small beginning, with a daily capacity of 225 barrels, the Russell-Miller Milling Co. now owns twelve flour mills with a combined daily capacity of over 16,000 barrels of flour and 600 tons of feed. In the early 1950s F. H. Peavey & Company, headquartered in Minneapolis, purchased Russell Miller Milling and its 140 country elevators, terminals, and flour mills. The company was renamed as the Peavey Company in 1962. The Peavey Company was acquired by ConAgra, Inc. in 1982. ConAgra is now the largest U.S. flour miller."
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Bridge Before

This is the McClays Mill bridges over the Conodoguinet Creek on the outskirts of Shippensburg. This picture was taken one very cold morning in January. Do you see the cracks in the rocks just over the near arch? Early in March they fell into the creek closing the bridge and the road. I don't know what the plans are for these back to back stone arch bridges but I did hear rumor they had opened back up. I just hope they aren't replaced with some sterile concrete slab.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Paxton Engine Company #6, Harrisburg

When I started my tour of Harrisburg's old fire stations I said I would start at the beginning; Company 1. Well I failed to think that concept through. Let me reiterate that I am, by no means, an expert on the Harrisburg Fire Department. On my picture taking tour through the 'burg my tour guide was a City Fireman, so piquing his knowledge and what is found on the Internet I will give you all a simple few facts. I told you about Company 1 and showed you Company 2, today we'll start at Company 3. Citizen's Hose and Engine Company #3 was at 4th and Walnut Streets which would place it today on the side lawn of the State Capitol Building. Gone. The Washington Hose Company #4's house was at 2nd Street and Chestnut Street, right at the parking garage and Harrisburg Hospital. Gone. The Mount Vernon Hook & Ladder Company #5 was located at North 4th and North Street. That would be the State Museum now. Gone.
Paxton Engine Company #6 sits at 336 South 2nd Street and even though the Paxton Engine Company is no longer around the building is still in operation today as a City station. Back to my original problem... I didn't get pictures of this station last month when I got all the others so in order to keep going I slipped across the river last weekend and took these. Organized in 1859 their original station, built in 1864 was replaced in 1937 after the original station was severely damaged in the flood of 1936.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Truckie For Just A Little While

A shot from up in the bucket of Truck 53 (Cumberland Valley Hose Company, Shippensburg) taken at the Easter Egg hunt. I would have liked to take more of the truck but too much distraction to get anything any good. As for being up in the truck, no thanks, I know it's been a long time, but I'm still an engine man. Give me a nozzle and all is well.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thanks, Easter Bunny!

Shippensburg's annual Easter Egg Hunt went off without a hitch this year. And it happened before Easter. The kids lined up and slowly it seemed, but steadily gathered the eggs and goodies strewn out before them. I overheard one kid (an older, much wiser kid in the senior division of 8 year olds) telling his buddy that if it were an egg HUNT they would have to look for the eggs, but here you just had to go pick them up. The truck loads of toys, candies and other goodies was unreal. How could you thank everyone who helped donate and contribute time to this yearly event. But I will say, "Thank You" to everyone who helped. The volunteers with the Shippensburg Fire Department (Vigilant Hose, CV Hose, West End and the Shippensburg EMS) the Shippensburg Fire Police and Shippensburg Township for the facilities to hold this event. And to everyone else, "Thank You", you know who you are.
The second and third picture you can tell I got to go up in CV Hose Co.'s Truck 53 and get some aerial pictures. The first picture is the Easter Bunny himself casting a stern eye towards the volunteers distributing candy a little too close for his comfort.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Last of the Whitetails

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