My Colorado posts will continue next week, today was the first day of deer season here in PA and all I can say is that this hunting season is picking up where Colorado hunting left off. I spent about 7 hours in the woods today (I missed out on the thunder and lightning) and saw a total of ZERO deer. A special thanks to the idiots, I mean experts, at the Pennsylvania Game Commission for mismanaging the state deer herd all these years. It's time we hired someone who knows something about wildlife management and not just someone they're related to.
Enough on that subject. Did anybody look up in the sky right at sunset? Well if you didn't this is what you missed. The moon, Jupiter and Venus in this here triangle formation. Pretty cool.
Excellent pics. I was driving and didn't have my camera and wanted to get this shot so badly.
Yes I looked up and seen them last night. It was a nice shot. I was wondering if you and Brad had your cameras out. And as for the PA Wildlife management. They need to get out of the office and walk the woods, and not try to use a computer to count deer. That's what a college education gets you.
I noticed the planets too last night. I wondered which two they were, I knew they were too bright to be stars. Good picture.
Great picture Haney I was with Holz in the car and we were wishing we had a camera. It was a beautiful clear night we miss to much beauty when we don't take the time to look up and down and all around I love these blogs of you guys keep up the good work Aunt Ginny
great shot Haney, I was lucky enough to be skinning and happened to see that great pic, had to call pam and give her the heads up
E4 Lt
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