....a seal. That's right a flipping seal lying there on the beach like he owned it. We had decided to walk 'til 8:00 so we could get back for check out at the hotel and then agreed to 10 more minutes. Five minutes later we walked up on Seymour here snoozing in the fog. I think maybe it's an Atlantic Harbor Seal but that would just be a guess, I have never seen one in the wild and never would have expected to see one. I don't know what could have brought him up onto the beach, he didn't seem injured, he turned around when we got near him. I took some pictures said goodbye and left him. On the two miles back to the truck I kept an eye to the surf for others but no go. Every time I find something new I think that it can't be topped. And it does. That's some of what keeps me going out and exploring. The unknown.
I would have never expected it, what a great find Haney. That one encounter made the whole trip worth while I guess.
Unbelievable! Right place at the right time.
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