This is shots of most of the birds I saw on my Father's Day walk around Wildwood Lake. I had parked at the main building, figuring that I would stop by the feeders when I got back. I didn't know how long the trail was but I took a short loop on a boardwalk out into the cattails. That is where the first two pictures came from, a Song Sparrow and a male Red-Winged Blackbird. Then I hit the Eastern Shore Trail headed north. Along the way I saw several Wood Thrushes but they were just passing through and I didn't get pictures. I did managed pictures of the Blue Heron and the Great Egret. Then at the northern tip of the trail I found the third bird, a female Red-Winged Blackbird and the last bird, which I believe is a female of juvenile Tree Swallow (correct me if I'm wrong with that one). And finally when I hit the western side of the lake, it seemed that this was the side everyone used, I saw a sign that said "Start Here 3.1 miles", I little longer than I thought. Along this side of the lake is where I found the Black-Crowned Night Heron saw the Green Heron and lots of these Tree Swallows (picture 6). I also saw plenty of other critters that I'll share later, next week is baseball week. Remember posting will be sporadic unless Blogger fixes the scheduled posting problems. I have all week ready to go and will check it from time to time so you may get two posts in one day if this problem persists.
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