This is the Black Crowned Night Heron, I found him in the swamps along Wildwood Lake. I walked the perimeter of the lake last Sunday in hopes of finding a Green Heron and at first mistook him as one. Later while talking to another gentleman who was photographing the wild critters, a Green Heron flew by. This Heron flew several times, I followed and was able to get a bunch of very good pictures. I hope you enjoy them. I'll have to go again and see if I can, at last, find the Green Heron I was looking for.
OK, fellow Bloggers is anyone else have problems with scheduled posting? Mine has not been working for a week or so now. Is this a universal problem or just me? I already deal with loading my pictures in reverse order to get them to post in the correct order. This is starting to get annoying.
Great capture Haney, what a wonderful place to photograph birds. Let me know the next time you are going, maybe I can go along.
After you checked out my fire site this morning I made an addition to the post on scheduled postings, check it out. I also am having problems, mine should have been up and hour before I checked the site and it was not there, I had to go to the dash board to get it posted. If it occurs over the next few weeks it could be days before I notice it.
Haney and Brad,
I have also had some problems with scheduled postings. I am glad I am not the only one..
Aside from that issue, I didn't notice it until I opened the picture at work but this Heron Has a bum leg. Look at the color and the way he favors it. Also look at how it just hangs when he flys. He seemed to get around just find. Maybe thats why when he'd land he just sat there.
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