Monday, July 14, 2008

Cleveland Rocks!

I'm back and as live as it gets. Due to time constraints we pulled off a quick vacation to Cleveland and Northeast Ohio this past long weekend. I say quick but 900 miles in just 4 days is a pile of running. Lots of stories, even more pictures and subjects, I can't wait to get to individual subjects. We hit some of the big ones and some you may never have heard of. At times I felt like Clark Griswald showing the family some of the blight of East St. Louis. They only got concerned with the abundance of barred windows in areas I wanted to go for a walk. As for Cleveland rocking don't let anyone tell you south central Pennsylvania has the nations worst roads. I saw, not one, but two vehicles sitting along the roads with busted axles. Terrible. I may need an alignment after all that. So check back frequently, Cleveland won't be the only thing I post but I'll hit the highlights soon enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You should have come to Cincy, we patch our pot holes!
