Thursday, December 17, 2009

Conodoguinet SkyWatch

"The Conodoguinet Creek or 'Connie' as some call it — winds its way through very diverse land use areas of Cumberland County, including agricultural lands, forested lands and finally through very suburban areas where it reaches its confluence with the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg. Describing it as a winding waterway is pretty accurate because the name Conodoguinet is an Indian word that means, 'a long way with many bends.' " (By Kelly Meinhart)

While getting this post together I was looking for information on the creek. I found it. And I couldn't have said it better myself so I'll post this from the Green Treks Network website. Me? I've walked along the Conodoguinet, I've surveyed it, crossed it, photographed it, hunted along side it and years ago I'm sure I fished it. And today, for SkyWatch, I posted it.

For a look see at everyone else's view of their sky click on the SkyWatch icon on the right side of the screen.


overtiredmum said...

Looks like a great place to go for a hike


Julie said...

Good capture of a firey sun, Haney. I like your text too which adds the personal touch. I would like to sit beside this winding river and just watch the sun rise and hear the water move on its way down to the next bend. Here in Australia we have wind whistling through she-oaks along our inland water-ways. The sound is very reflective.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful sky shot.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful photographs. It looks and sounds like a great place to know.

Anonymous said...

This is a WOW photo. Very nice!!

eileeninmd said...

It is a pretty shot of the sunset. Happy skywatching.

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Nice photo with acceptable flare!!! Thanks for sharing. Have a nice SWF!!!

Arija said...

A beautiful picture for SkyWatch and I love the sow on your wreath!