Monday, February 01, 2010

The Stairs Out Back 2

OK, here's version 2.0 of the stairs out back. I really do enjoy this long exposure night pictures. I like the way the lights get that star effect. And I really like the way my nifty 50 mm makes these dark corners brighten up. But, and there's always a but, while getting some shots at a fire last week I heard something hit the ground. Lens cap? No. The entire inner workings of my lens. Bang. Middle of the street. I haven't tried yet but I think I may be able to glue it back together. I'll loose a whole bunch of clarity but I'll give it a try. And then I'll get right to ordering a new one. I guess my flash is gonna have to wait a little longer. Again.
What do you think? Version 1 or Version 2?


Sparky said...

Ilike them both. Each one has something about it.

Anonymous said...


Got to agree with Sparky, I like them both also.

Cincy Bill

Kcalpesh said...

Seems fun, taking photos like this one... Cool s hot!

Pixellicious Photos