Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rolling on the River

Today I decided to share with you some scenic pictures from Harpers Ferry. Subject: the rivers. As I had mentioned earlier, Harpers Ferry sits at the confluence of the Shenandoah River and the Potomac River, giving it a sort of three river feel like Pittsburgh. Well, actually, nothing like Pittsburgh. The first is one of the bridge ruins near the mouth of the Shenandoah. The second it the railroad bridge looking back into town. The building you see there is the train station. It is still an active Amtrak station and CSX rail line. The last picture is taken from Maryland Heights Overlook. It is looking up river on the Potomac. The tan line on the bottom right corner is the remnants of the C&O Canal and towpath. When I got back down to the river, from my hike through hell, I noticed a lot of people tubing down the river. Just leisurely floating down the shallow river. Occasionally you would hear screams from them as they passed through a small rapid. I'm thinking that this may need to be investigated further...


Sparky said...

Tubing is fun. I have a rubber raft what is fun also... Did a let of it back in the day on the Delaware River.

Anonymous said...

Haney, Did a lot of fishing with my dad in the Potomac at Harpers Ferry. Just waded out into the middle of the river toss your line in and let the lazy current take it where ever. Those were the good old days! Don't think we kept the fish, catch and relesase.

Cincy Bill