OK, there's a lot going on here. Painted Gentleman 114. First of all this fine barn is in Indiana County, PA, 2 miles east of the Borough of
Clymer. It sits on
Rayne Church Road but can easily be seen from Route 286. Second, there is the ad for Mail Pouch and and older wider Mail Pouch. Third, Studebaker. We all know Studebaker was a wagon/carriage/automobile manufacturer out of South Bend, Indiana. Founded in 1852 they started building
electric cars in 1902 and moving onto gas engines in 1904. The last US plant closed in 1963 and the last Studebaker rolled off the Canadian lines in 1966. "Studebaker Automobiles - Good Used Cars - Indiana - For Your Service". And forth, under the Studebaker is an old Kentucky Club ad. "Smoke Kentucky Club Pipe Tobacco". Kentucky Club is often seen advertised along with Mail Pouch.
I remember this barn when I was going to school at IUP and running with the Citizens Countywide Ambulance service. I was also a member of the Clymer Fire Department since the Indiana Fire Dept would let me join since I was not a citizen of Indiana and was under 21 Years old. Plus Clymer ran Orange and White rigs so I felt right at home!
Cincy Bill
If I'm not mistaken, I think Clymer's newest rig is Cream over Red...
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