Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Year Three, Day One & the 2nd Annual Cyber Rollcall

Yes, today is the day. Today is my two year blogiversity. That's right I've been boring you all for two years. I know there are some of you who check this out just to see if I showed up and what for wacky adventure I have been on lately. I've said before I promise you a picture or two or three and some words every day. Can't guarantee what time I'm posting, just that I am. In the past year I missed two days of posting. Computer/Internet/No Time issues right before I left for Colorado last fall. I made it up to y'all with 4 posts in one day. I did post twice with no words, did that with out even thinking about it. Had guest posters while I was on said Colorado adventure. Thanks again to Cincy Bill, Mama Clep, Sparky and Grizz. Spent a day out shooting with some good friends, thanks Bradley and Shane, we'll have to do that again soon. And along the way I might have learned a thing or two about taking better pictures. Now I just need to remember that stuff. So here's to another year. Lets see where it takes us. And most of all thanks you for checking in every day, or every other day or once a month, whatever, thanks for stopping by.
Now let me know who I need to thank. I am asking for another cyber roll call like we did last year. I know you don't comment all the time or maybe never. maybe you don't want other civilized folks know you've visited the Outskirts of Suburbia. So drop me a line. Just a note. Hit that comment button, leave a short message, even just a "Here, Sir" an "All present and accounted for" Leave a name, a nickname, your initials, your dogs name just a hint who you might be, "Hey, I'm the guy you spilled beer on that that party in 1986." I remember who you are and I thank you for stopping by. It's easy. And stop back again.
Today's pictures are from this past year and are some of the most commented on. The train station at Mount Pleasant, NJ, Sunset over the Cleversburg United Methodist Church, The moon, Jupiter and Venus, Another sunset and Shippensburg University's Old main on an icy cold night. What was your favorite picture over the past year?


E4 Lt said...

Thanks for another great year in color(sometimes). what a way to start the day...
check out rt 11 towards carlisle, new Embarq ad painted on the whole side of a barn, I'll try to get u a pic next time i go thru

Barry said...

Good morning haney,
I`m here for my morning what the heck is he doing now.
Have a great day!

Sparky said...

Good Morning
I check the site at least five days a week. great job with the site and as for the pictures I like them all. I enjoyed the last two years and look forword to the next.

Anonymous said...

I know we are prejudidced, but Dad and I never miss a day, loved all the pictures,especially the people ones, I know, you aren't crazy about the people ones. Keep up the good work, Mom

Kathy said...

Still here little bro. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Thanks for two great years!

It makes my day to see what great and zaney pictures you shot.

Keep up the great work.

Cincy Bill

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. Pictures are great.


Woody said...

I try and check your site at least once a day after I check out Brad's and Brian's. My favorite picture is the first photo you did of the Reily just the other week.